
5th Gear: It’s my opinion the incentive is less “pro-Union” and more “continue to prop up GM”.

I’m not fancy enough for it, but I’m choosing the BMW wagon.

That’s really cool. Congratulations.

Google Pixel phones have this in their Safety App, but the user needs to activate it. It’s not automatically on.

We need more plaid car seats.

Dave Chappelle isn’t brave. If he was, he’d be taking his white fans to task for not doing enough with their privilege to combat the systemic racism the black community still faces instead of bashing transwomen for they’ve made. 

I agree with some of the intent of this, but not a lot of the content. There is good food and there is bad food. There is a billion dollar industry built around getting us to purchase and consume as much as possible with no care whatsoever to what it’s doing to our bodies. Scientists are employed to create flavors and

I feel like this is an ultra-rich burn gift, something that’s appears to be a gift but meant as an insult. It’s something an old money rich person would give to a new money rich person they think has no taste or class. 

There is no barebones dash... Your radio, volume, air conditioning and heater controls are all simple buttons and knobs. You are not perpetually hunting through touchscreen menus, hoping your car’s driver-assist features make up for your distraction.... A Prius has a more radical design.


Candy corn is only good for taking two pieces, mashing them into your incisors and saying “Look, I’m a vampire!” before spitting them into a trash can.

drive it till the wheels fall off 

There might me some happy wood involved, but there often may not be.

I also wonder how they’ll swindle people into overpaying for fuel now.

a horny Bob Ross is a historically accurate Bob Ross—he was a sensual man with a natural bedroom voice

A couple of years ago I switched from buying variety bags to just getting Sour Patch Kids. Both Sour Patch Kids and Swedish Fish are free of the 8 major allergies: dairy, egg, soy, wheat, peanut, tree nut, fish or shellfish. SPK are pretty much loved by all kids and won’t make any that have allergies feel like they

f you enjoy toaster pastries, I suggest trying the ones by Nature’s Path. They fillings have a lot of flavor in addition to the sugar, and the crust has a nicer texture. My favorite is the Wildberry Acai.

The only time I will correct someone’s pronunciation is if it’s the way my name or the name of someone I care about is being mangled. Unless someone makes a point of asking “I’m trying to get improve, can you help?” I’m not saying anything unless I couldn’t understand what they were saying.

I think it’s a good price, but I’d need to spend more updating the interior. Not just because it’s so dated, I question the practicality of off-white carpet in general, In an RV it’s not a good idea. 

My toilet rule - the seat and lid stay down when it’s not in active use. You should close it before flushing, anyway.