
Call me a cynic, but I think if a buyer was getting a guaranteed rebate from the government at point of sale, say $7500, then the price from the dealer would be $7500 more for the vehicle.

If you are shopping for a new dryer, get one that has the filter at the front the dryer, right where you open the door.

Even the stranger danger vans are scaled down in Europe.


I get that, I’d usually feel the same way. But they are in their 70's and this isn’t a one-off thing.

I’m biased, but the answer is in the header image.

OG Grimace had 4 arms, to better steal your beverages.

The thing I don’t see discussed in the rent vs own debate is the different levels of commitment.

I am a list maker. Technically, two lists. The first revision is what I need. Then it gets resorted by the store layout.

The difference there was that word was originally used to offend, gay was not.

The last two trucks could be Bear Pride themes.

I think the 3 is really ugly and not as practical or appealing as the 4 door hatchback body style should be. If you’re going to make a car that only cares about the driver, then make it something with really exciting to drive to offset the compromises of the design. 

Not enough time has passed for it to “transcend” Basic rights are still under attack and people are still randomly assaulted for their perceived sexuality. It’s not a sign of progress, it’s a sign of ignorance.

I’ve got an idea for them: replace the shortbread cookie with a pretzel. 

^is normally driving an older hatchback

That looks like a great city commercial vehicle for a lot of uses - deliveries, repair technicians, etc.

That would make sense, and they probably have no control over what vehicles get prioritized by the manufacturer. 

I get it, but maybe I don’t understand the dealership/manufacturer agreement.