If you aren’t a fan of the ‘tablet slapped on the dashboard’ look, wait until you see the ‘open laptop center stack’.
If you aren’t a fan of the ‘tablet slapped on the dashboard’ look, wait until you see the ‘open laptop center stack’.
The Cake is a lie.
My candidate for Jeopardy host - H Jon Benjamin.
Mine is also Tornado Red, but the base model with FWD and an automatic transmission. I wanted a manual, but the only one I could find near enough was black with black interior.
When the grocery store used plastic bags, I’d go shopping and carry out about a dozen plastic bags. Now it all goes in 2 or 3 store brand totes that were cheap to buy and easy to clean.
“a meated Yankee Candle.”
Coffee and other hot beverages are normally served between 160F and 185F, including a coffee you brew at home. Second degree burn injury starts with exposure at 130F. Most hot foods are served at a temperature that can inflict a second degree burn - pizza, pasta with sauce, etc.
If you’re counting Starbucks, their app is pretty good. It’s easy to customize a drink and their points are easy to use. It’s also nice they tell you if something isn’t out of stock.
It was at a drive thru. The barista handed the cup to her. She noticed it wasn’t correct, and was in the process of handing it back when the lid came off enough to spill.
I'd prefer a squircle.
they should call it the MN’Kei
There’s a temperature warning on the cup. If you’re ordering a hot cup of coffee, you shouldn’t need an additional warning that the coffee will be hot.
The perfect beverage to get you blurred while watching these interchangeable movies blur together.
The benefit I can see is with a robotic dispensing system like this is more consistency of serving size and a reduction in cross-contamination.
I think so many women hate cargo shorts on men, not only because how they look, but also for the obscene number is usable pockets when they can’t get any.
It’s a great option for men, but most women’s clothing does not feature pockets of any utility that would allow them to completely ditch a purse.
I’d like to think that’s just too impractical to be implemented, then I remember interiors like the Tesla Model 3 exist.
I have an English friend who’s nan is in her 90's and has 1/2 a pint of Guinness daily for vitamins.
Now I am imaging a chocolate croissant cooked in a waffle maker...