
so jamming it into an apple cider vinegar bottle

You know, the snake bag you probably just have lying around at your house too.

Agreed. Make your menu understandable and have it posted where it’s easy to read. If you’ve decided to make it all cutesie and twee, blending in with the decor, don’t be surprised when people don’t know what it says.

I would try a citrusy or mango smoothie style IPA. I like a zesty IPA, so it would seem to fit. Just nothing with lactose in it for me, thanks. 

I don’t like the split headlight/taillight look with the body-colored divider.

I don’t always have to have an agenda, right?

I wouldn’t double-cross Sting, he’ll be watching you. 

I call them all Karen if the behavior fits, no matter what gender or ethnicity I perceive them to be.

Neutral: I like the system that’s in my 2018 SportWagen. I use Android Auto and find it works well. The steering wheel controls for volume, skipping and activating the voice assistant are handy. It’s also got an SD card slot I can use to load up music or other audio files. It would be nice it were a wireless

I think the Toyota looks better than the Nissan, but I appreciate the Nissan’s design. Just not a fan of that front grill. 

Eggs: scrambled, fluffy and light

And, the test should be done at least three times: once in cold weather, once in hot, once in something in between. The average of the three runs gives the number that the days-between-charge rating.

I hear BlueCruise and think Blue’s Clues.

I think it’s the canvas portion that’s off a bit and not the supporting platform.

I’m not a Slack user, so forgive me if this is a dumb question. Is there a user option to set yourself as “out of office”, “away from my desk” or “logged out”?

Very true. It would have to be someplace where the cost is worth it. 

The scenario that is presented at the Sugar Mediterranean Bistro mentioned in the article is what I was referring to in my original post.

Bigger/More = Better is a mindset that’s difficult to overcome. 

I don’t have an issue with that.

If it’s drawing attention and has people talking, it’s doing it’s job.