A robot cart to assist with bussing tables seems like a good idea. It can carry more dirty dishes in one trip than a person and could have storage for resupplying and cleaning supplies on board.
A robot cart to assist with bussing tables seems like a good idea. It can carry more dirty dishes in one trip than a person and could have storage for resupplying and cleaning supplies on board.
If dealers have infotainment units, why not just put them into these models in the first place?
It’s like a Taco Bank.
I used to not understand the thinking behind “I’m buying this car for these advanced driver’s assistance systems, but I refuse to operate the way they are intended to used.”
I find adding a splash of cold water instead of milk to my scrambled eggs helps them come out fluffier, microwave and stove alike.
I shop at Aldi occasionally. Honestly, I’d prefer it if they had self-checkouts.
That swing button did inspire the resurgence of Swing dance music in the early 90's.
In Spain, it’s the THH.
For me, sometimes an abbreviation is fine. Usually, it’s a word that has more than two syllables, like cuke for cucumber. I don’t see the need to abbreviate a word like pizza or salad.
The issue is that this doesn’t stand out and scream “”I’m different, I’m an EV?” Because I’m perfectly okay with that.
I once had someone correct me when I said “It’s a moot point” and tell me “You mean mute.”
The Audi Skysphere Concept Is A Fast Electric Car For Those Who Don’t Want To Drive
Thankfully, tearing down the elevated part is the most likely plan for us. But doing so requires widening an existing highway that loops around the city and adding new exits on another that bisects the city.
Valid. For the project I referenced, the preferred (and lower cost option) is currently estimate at $2.2B, and this is just for a small city in NY dealing with taking down a 1.5mile viaduct and the ramifications. I can imagine there’s a lot of other interstates in need of much larger refurbishment projects.
“I wanna talk about this, uh, Tigger flag. I don’t like it.”
That’s a valid option, but it is one that requires more effort, vigilance and restraint.
2nd Gear: I may be incorrect, and this is the internet so if I am I will be corrected multiple times, but I believe a lot of our existing elevated highways are in need of replacement or massive restructuring.
If the parents and kid both have the cash available to pay for the car outright, but want to start a stable credit history, an option would be:
I do. He says it’s a texture issue. I just let it be his loss, he’s missing out some great cakes I make.
My microwave is also a convection over. This seems like it would be a great dessert option for when I have a little dinner party. 6 ramekins would fit easily. It can be prepped before dinner to pop in 20 minutes before dessert time.