
Actually, pretty much no one in that movement wants anything of the sort. Most of them just want a place where white people don’t have to succumb to diversity.

I actually just recently figured out how I COULD cut the cord and still be able to watch live sports, and I’m pretty much ready to cut the cord now too.
BTW if you’re interested check out the Amazon fire box, kodi, and sportsdevil. Works remarkably well.

Yes, but they’ll never get $7 per user off of ads the way they do from subscribers.

So, isn’t this attitude what throws these numbers off though? There have been a lot of comments about ad cost and not being able to sell ads for as much if they’re not in 89 million homes. But if there are 11 million people using someone else’s account to watch ESPN, aren’t they actually in 100 million homes? Also,

I guess that depends on where you live and what you “have” to pay for. I don’t subscribe to any streaming services, at all. Netflix is all i was using and when they raised their rates 7 years ago I canceled and haven’t been back.

Im glad you can decide whether or not I am “much of a fan” based on whether or not I have cable. I don’t go to bars, mostly to my brother or my parents house, and I can get a good amount of games simply over the air via an antenna.

You can watch most NFL games for free at home in most places - it just requires an antenna. I haven’t paid for cable in many years but get ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, and a bunch of other channels in high-def with a cheap powered antenna.

I’m a cord cutter and I don’t think I will ever go back. If there is a game on that I really want to watch, I go watch it with someone. Bring them a 6-pack and everyone is happy.

So let me get this straight: ACTIVELY prohibiting anyone from spreading a viewpoint isn’t necessarily censorship? Instead, the act of prohibiting someone from speaking is, in your world, “promoting education”???

And you are a liberal that is showing the true colors of liberals pretty much everywhere! They favor control and collectivism over liberty and individuality. Congratulations for proving how moronic your ilk is.

So you’re against censorship, except when it’s a viewpoint that you don’t agree with?

I am against censorship

That’s funny. They are the ones being violent. But I guess it’s OK because Trump said mean words.

Heil liberals! lol

Anyone starring (therefore agreeing with) your fascist horseshit is, like you, a fucking idiot.

Conservative viewpoint can depends on the issues. I am sure we are all conservative and liberal depending on the issue we are discussing. Nothing is ever black and white. Just because I may think a free market is good, I also don’t like corporations imposing their will over consumers and screwing us over.

This seems to be typical of those left-leaning/liberal mindset. My view is right and I can’t possibly comprehend that anyone would think/believe differently.

I think you ought to look up the definition of “censorship”, because it sure sounds like you’re an awfully big fan of it, despite your statement to the contrary.