Fascism and communism are different sides of the same coin. Hitler and Stalin were best buds until Hitler thought he could defeat Russia. BOTH are TOTALITARIAN!
Fascism and communism are different sides of the same coin. Hitler and Stalin were best buds until Hitler thought he could defeat Russia. BOTH are TOTALITARIAN!
No moron, we don’t believe in open borders. How can you be a sovereign country with open borders?
Just like workers rights and communism can not live side by side.
Good news about Nazis?! Sure. Just like I’m sure you’re ok with all the good news about the left. Nazis are few are far between and aren’t in any positions if power unlike the left.
Lol. Typical little leftist snowflake.
Yeah, avoid stupid and awful people on the left, like Obama, Bernie, and Clinton supporters. Truly disgusting people. MAGA!
Thanks, good information. How do you that to antifa, BLM, and their ilk?
You mean Colin Kraperdick and the dumfucc kneelers?
Useless Tom Ley whines for useless kneeling players and probably didn’t complain about the useless Obama wasting taxpayers money with all his useless trips to go golfing, campaigning to Hollyweird.
Chicagons have self respect?! LMAO!!! Murder capital of the world, land of Obama and Rahm Emmanuel...
Hey dumfuck... I’m a “cracker”. I or anyone else can insult such hateful dumfuccs like the writer and bitches like you. BTW... GFY.
No shit. Couldn’t even read it all and then read the comments, so now I know how she has a job.
Maybe, so she can get away from hateful leftist whacko’s like you.
Wow. Full hate on view here. I’m a Trump supporter. What are you going to do about it!? Come on, try putting me and others in prison you POS.
Seriously?! The left is so full of hate and deceit. So he didn’t pronounce it right even though he was trying and out of all that you say he hates Latinos. Ridiculous and pathetic.
What?! Typical evil hatred from the left.
Pending approval... Lol. Bye
You’re white? Go jump off a bridge so you’ll feel better about yourself, since that would be one less white person. Seriously... If someone looks different than the majority in the area that you’re at, people will look at you. If I (I’m white) went to an area that is mostly Asian, black, brown, I would be looked at…
Only racist black guys like you can make dumbass comments like this. I’m out of here. You can be racists all you want, just don’t whine about white “racists”. Peace out
I like reading comments here as a white dude. Very entertaining.