Good luck, man! Embrace the runs when they come...its easier that way.
Good luck, man! Embrace the runs when they come...its easier that way.
That rear end has to go!
Is it wrong that I'm all "merh..." who cares? She's cute, but the unibrow has to go, and she needs some definition in her legs..chicken-what?? Sorry..merh.
Just gonna leave this here...
ah..understood, that's really unfortunate either way :(
Lol...took a second, but I got it. :) Good link to the Onion, Trav!
I remember seeing that in popsci and thinking I wanted to go to McMurdo. Awesome :)
Why was a taxi anywhere near where the race vehicles are? Was the race vehicle going at speed, or was this just a traffic accident? More info please!.
Looks completely CGI, man...I don't think this is a real photo. I know you guys like Forza tie-ins, but c'mon now!
I once played doctor, do you want me to do your open heart surgery? :P
Definitely a cool lemons car! I second the request for more info, please!
I disagree — he'd be barrelling down the hill, not trying to stop himself from going over the bars. The worst thing you can do in sand on a motorbike is try and go slower, because the front wheel will dig in.
LOL - +1!!! Just did the last paragraph, and I'm gonna go back and re-read it!
I'm so ridiculously disappointed that we can't watch this in Canada....sigh.
Very cool article Alex! Much more applicable to the "normal" guy who aspires to take an Altima on the track! I know for sure I'd love to take my Sentra to a LeMons race one day...or some other racing with bastardized forms of sporting vehicles.
yeah man! Go! Sounds like a great opportunity to see a part of the world that's so different from our it. Do it.
Is 5:40-6:05 seriously rush hour ??
Yeeeaaaahhhhhhh! (why wasn't this the first reply??)
Crisis!! Crisis!! Aarrrghhaaahhhhhh... oh my.