LOL...sorry. Now that I think more about it, I'm not sure why anyone would want more stop and go traffic on a major highway! ba-dum ching?
Ahhhh..ok, now it's perfectly clear :)
OOoooohhhh. K, now it's perfectly clear :)
Christmas trees? Idontgetit.
Yeah sure...I'll go see it. On discount Tuesday. When's Rush out again ?
LOL...right there with you.
Did someone forget their kid's toy in the cup holder or something? WTF is that??
PS3...might as well get GT5 on sale while you're at it!
That'd be a decent flick actually...especially if they can get some of the tracks in there as 3D environments, considering they're already digital. Open wheel on Autumn Ring!
That belongs in a whole different kind of movie... "Gran Tourofmybedroom-o"
Looks like Bud Belly to me, man...
Oh no!! Embed FAIL!!
I have a 3.5yr old, and I can just imagine what the parent must be feeling going thru this...that driver is amazing. Sometimes they just get away from you, no matter what you do...
When does the chasing start ?
1st Gear: Coda Electric Files For Chapter 11
those look like tankers at the end...near where the guy drives in. That's crazy.