You joke, but literally a week ago Trump gutted a key airline safety committee.
You joke, but literally a week ago Trump gutted a key airline safety committee.
I have no problem with anyone that wants to pour billions of other people’s money into a problem they are very unlikely to solve, so develop away. I have a giant problem with doing that on public roads with unwilling participants - EVEYONE ON AND AROUND THE ROAD.
On the other hand, who doesn’t love seeing a skyscraper blow up?
Nah, he killed someone in the wrong tax bracket and the wrong color.
An unfortunate incident happened?
The New York Times continued to try hard as they might to legitimize a five-times draft-dodging, about to be three-times-divorced, cheating on each wife with the next between prostitutes and porn stars with kids at home, convicted felon, treasonous riot-inciting, six-times bankrupt failed steaks, casino, airline, and…
“How dare you use my own printed words against me?”
Did you notice that both of those terms had links?
I fail to see how a direct quotation from a cited, easily-verifiable source is an embellishment or a fabrication.
Fuck off then.
By the time I got there even their breakroom was ransacked, so I didn’t even get a Hertz donut.
I have gone to Monaco in 2007 and 2013. BOTH were amazing events for TRUE F1 fans.... btw, I grew up going to F1 The Glen as a 9 year old starting in ‘77... Also Montreal from ‘97-2004...Monaco is a bucket list event for Formula 1 fans....Better than a fake BS, manufactured scenery of USA inspired what F1 should…
Jesus, look at that decrepit fucker.
The lesson I learned last week and still almost daily is never overestimate the intelligence of the American population. Apathy and anarchy rule.
Trumpanzee’s don’t care about facts, they only care about their feelings.
Found the incel that wants Musk to take his virginity.
Apply the law. I am so fucking sick of billionaires and celebs and uber rich assholes pulling shit that the rest of us get the book thrown at us for. He lied on his form? Pull his citizenship. He knew he was lying....then his political contributions are illegal. Prosecute him.
Call me crazy but you shouldn’t NEED to be able to trace specific security leaks back to Musk to take action. Regular communication with a hostile foreign power should be enough to forfeit government contracts.
This is the problem with democrats and liberal individuals is they think people