It’s my opinion and last I checked those are still legal.
It’s my opinion and last I checked those are still legal.
Too bad it wasn’t AF1. Would have solved a lot of problems.
TCAS is inoperable under 1000ft.
You must be a wizard. Your prediction came true with that orange cunt blaming DEI, Biden, Obama etc etc for the crash.
Boston: world-renowned for being stupid. Oh, wait—my bad, it’s actually the most educated. Funny how facts work.
You are an idiot.
Can we just not with this fucking prick? He is a goddamn NAZI and gave a nazi salute not once but twice yesterday. Enough is enough. Stop with the coverage. Stop with the preening. Just fucking stop.
Not big company bad per se, just GM has fucked Detroit 6 ways to Sunday and now they want the handout?
These fuckers just don’t get it. Viva le revolution.
Trump is a such a dumb cunt.
You’d take this over a Mazda CX-30? No, me either.
Why would anyone want to buy a piece of shit death trap like this?
Fingers crossed. I like Lucid as a brand but my fucking god that is an eye-watering price.
Total it. Oopsie.
He’s a petulant little fuck who’s ass should have been kicked a few more times growing up. I can’t stand the little prick.
Fuck Elon. That is all.
I’m sorry, they only accept left nuts and AMEX.
I like that mfgs are moving away from bubbles and embracing angles again.
Yeah, I imagine in a dark greeen it would look pretty great.
Liking the new design language.