
Can we please outlaw this ridiculous bullshit?  Self driving.  What a bunch of fucking bullshit.  ENOUGH ALREADY.

So long as they keep shipping my VHS cleaner over from the continent I guess they can still sit at our table.

Good list.  As an offical Gay(r) I’d like to see less corporate bullshit, but over all not bad.

Just another reminder how incredibly fucking stupid 50% of the inhabitants of this country are. It’s astonishing.

I used to really enjoy that site... until it became a gathering place for fucking idiots and consipracy nuts.

You know he absolutely shits his pants all the time.  That fucking child.

Every time Elon gets sued an angel gets it’s wings.

I wish Boston would do the same.  

You missspelled “chode”   

Can I paint it blue and put ST badges on it?  I really do miss my Focus ST immensly.

You’re a liar!  You’re a fucking LIAR!  Where’s my goddamn checkbook.  

Marriages, hush money cases, fixers, chiefs of staff, etc etc etc.  Every single thing that mother fucker touches dies.  

Hahahah.  Too true!  Thanks for the fond memory!

During Pride month.  I love it.  Only wish they were in it and it rolled into the ocean.

It’s almost like no one on Dan’s team has ever see the movie Fargo.

Idiot > Tool.  

Oh yes, good point. How’s this... You fucking tool.

This!!!!!  A lot of people in this country think someone can just walk into a clinic and have transformative surgery on a whim.  NOPE.  

More like meth... ba dum tssshh

Sound be able to find the perp.  I mean how many butt ass ugly bronze cyberfucks are there in the world?