Like people who actually buy this piece of shit will use it as a truck? Hahahah.
Like people who actually buy this piece of shit will use it as a truck? Hahahah.
Mamamammaaa do your own research.
Right? Guy seems like an insufferable prick.
He’s ONLY 63? Jesus Christ. I enjoyed TG immensely, TGT less so. I do love Clarkson’s Farm. If only he wasn’t so much of a piece of shit...
My sister is known for just getting a new car when the mode strikes... The other day she came home w/ a new Grand Cherokee 4XE with a crazy number of options. 66,000 dollars.
“I’m sure he’ll fall, but we’re not lucky enough to have him break his neck” - Todd Chester, Christmas Vacation
Holy shit lady. I hope she loses everything.
I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for these. When I was a wee lad my CEO had one and I often had to take him to the airport and got to take the thing when he was out of town. Loved the exhaust note and I loved the fact that it looked like nothing else on the road.
I care less about his speech impediment and more about the bills he has been able to pass to help rebuild America. If you disagree with his extremely middle of the road politics fine, but the man is leaps and bounds better than the orange skid mark.
Doesn’t it go without saying? If you support this vile skid mark of a human you are, by the very nature of the thing, a delusional moron.
Yeah, this is not that. Try reading the article.
The RCMP should have escorted Lady Dildo right into a loony (no, not the money) bin. Problem solved.
After about 10 minutes in I was sick of hearing about them. Which is about average I suppose...
Inflatable hull transversing an ocean? This is peak stupidity.
Headline needs a little work.
Couple that with insane interest rates and hell will freeze before I purchase a car. Yes, it sucks not having one but I do not miss the payments, insurance, maintenance etc. I sure do miss driving but do not miss the outlay of cash.
Couple that with insane interest rates and hell will freeze before I purchase a car. Yes, it sucks not having one but I do not miss the payments, insurance, maintenance etc. I sure do miss driving but do not miss the outlay of cash.
It’s true - I am stuck in a bit of a time warp where I think spending that much money on a car is rather nuts. Maybe I’ll catch up to reality at some point.
It’s neither funny nor accurate. When it comes to things of a highly technical nature writers should possess a least a modicum of intelligent analysis.