I traveled from Boston to Brooklyn on the regular for about 5 years... Turning onto eastern parkway after getting off the JR there was a speed camera for a school zone.
I traveled from Boston to Brooklyn on the regular for about 5 years... Turning onto eastern parkway after getting off the JR there was a speed camera for a school zone.
You just have to wonder about people.
I miss my Focus ST soooo much. Worst decision I ever made was to sell it. Uggh.
Yeah - but the engine in the RAV-4 sounds like your thrown empty tin cans down 10 flights of stairs. It’s awful.
Two fucking pigs bellied up to the trough. They have no shame.
GM doing the MOST GM thing there is to do. Piss off a very large percentage of would be buyers with some really stupid fucking decision making.
It’ll also cost the airline around 75 grand to have the slide inspected and placed back into service.
It costs around 25 grand just to repack a slide that wasn’t used to convey passengers.
74gear on Youtube just did a fantastic segment on this.
Lol. Yeah, at age 44 I live with my mom. Dunce.
Horse shit.
I world could live without paypal. Theil is a demonstrable threat to democracy and should be dealt with accordingly.
Senior year in college (2001) and I nearly bought a Contour SVT from the local Ford dealer. It was used with 12k on the clock.
My father talked me out of it convincing me it was too much car and too much money... sigh.
Oh... what a bunch of jackoffs. God I hate Elon. I really do. I’d like to wake up tomorrow and read he has blasted off for mars. If he can take the equally repugnant Peter Theil with him it would be great.
Right? Sat at Roxbury Crossing for 30 goddamn minutes last night on the way home from work. I was ready to set fire to the thing.
It was a piece of shit when it rolled off the assembly line. It’s still that same piece of shit.
I haven’t seen a NASCAR guy like this in a while... He is NASCAR.
They’ll just keep moving North polluting the entire nation with there bullshit.
That’s the funniest goddamn thing I’ve seen today. Made me laugh even more than the flying LeSabre.
Couple of douche bags. Obligatory: Fuck Florida.
Glad someone posted that flying Buick! Absolutely hilarious.
On one hand this is cool. On the other it’s not 9k cool. I’m sure that ladder frame is mostly rust by this point.