
As someone who played ball most of my life into the minors, I applaud Papelbon for calling Harper out on not running the pop up out. I’ve seen Harper pull that shit all season and it looks terrible. You run everything out because you’re supposed to be a leader and the best player on the team. I can guarantee you every

I mean. This deal makes the Phillies look shrewd.

Thorough, respected and COMPELLING. I’d read his grocery lists.

Lets hope he wore his brown pants.

I figured it was a scar caused by the friction of the giant brass balls of the crew of the tanker dragging down the runway.

The mark on the runway isn’t from the f4, it’s a result of the pilot’s pants finally exploding.

Hopefully those John Jay kids will be brought to Justice.

You know, a weird thought just occurred to me: maybe, and hear me out on this one, but maybe they take high school football too seriously in Texas.

Clear eyes, full hearts, fuck that guy, right?!

Not to be over dramatic, but that is nothing short of assault.

Which female wrestler?

{this is an important factor in determining sanity}

+Every breath you take, I’ll be watching you (from the rafters, holding a baseball bat)

Police were surprised to learn that the knife was fake, as they’d legitimately believed it was real for a long time, although some of the smarter ones had had their doubts.

Asked what, precisely, explained his obsession with the wrestler, the suspect mentioned her GLOW.

this....this is a better synopsis of why we suck than anything you could have written drew. nothing against you, but this lady takes the cake.

Y’know, this is a dick move, but I support it anyway, because someone has to make a stand against the trophies-for-participation mentality.

I remember getting these kinda trophies and thinking they were crap. NPR had a story a while back saying most kids know and it hurts their self esteem because they know they didn’t earn it.

Try working with millenials. “I know I didn’t have a great year, but I still deserve a raise because....”

Even with this being the GoDaddy Bowl, Woodson should have known that threats like this aren't acceptable in any domain.