
6. Wondering how long until Deadspin would be able to disprove his high school career by quoting his 10th grade home economics teacher.

JR Smith. Its JR Smith. It has to be JR, right.

You buried the lede. Over 1/2 of black pregnancies end in abortion. And 2/3 to 3/4 of those that survive Hunger Games that is the black womb end up without a father. Not a math guy, but I feel all things point to James Harrison being named father of the year by the Urban League and the National Association for the

Throwing the part in about his previous, unconnected to the point of the story, misdeed in order to undercut him would be like...... Saying “This story comes from the people who used a history teacher as a sole source for a political hit piece, posted a pro-wrestler’s sex tape, and gay shamed/ suborned extortion”