Hey You Guys

Take your damn star, you savage magnificent bastard.

Yes, yes, we all know that, but how often does anyone get a chance to write the phrase “spinning 720 punch” in a headline?!

Sir, this is your magnum opus.

Maybe it’s because you’re a rich piece of shit who’s commenting on an article where Nolan writes about how low-income workers are treated like absolute shit... by rich pieces of shit... like you.

Oh my god, the Forrest Gump soundtrack was amazing. I don’t how many times I listened to it from start to finish as a youngster. So good!

This is the best kind of Kinja.

I'm just having trouble with it because it seems like the majority of NBA players complain all the time about every call.

Simple yet genius. This may be your magnum opus on Kinja, sir.

Get ‘em, Laura, get ‘em!

This whole saga is such an incredible testament to the power of the human  mind, and how much we don’t yet understand about it. Imagine growing up your whole life playing a certain sport, and then suddenly psyching yourself out to the point where you’re terrible at it?

LMAO, this comment is so underrated.

So are you a coach or an athletic administrator?