Hey You Guys

“She knows I don’t care about diversity, right? I mean, I literally said that.”

Other sites are reporting that she’s been fired. GOOD.

Her Mexican joke, among others, was not funny. It was straight up offensive.

He froze the keeper in both goals! Amazing.

Mutt you remind those poor dogs about their pawltry cut?

Now playing

Sad. Though it may not always affect the ultimate outcome, starting basic CPR can help in certain cases.

I lost all respect for that idiot once he endorsed Trump.

- as Yasiel Puig eats a small child in right field-

No, what?

Seriously! This guy is still playing?

I concur. Once my mother-in-law joined FB, I peaced out.

For all you TL;DR’ers, this is the important part:

Basic math and stats is very hard for most of our fellow Americans. :(

Kinda looks like the dude who dressed up as an old lady.

This deserves more stars.

Oh my god, this is PERFECT!

I see what you’re doing—arguing in an “Andy Reid-esque” style. Well done!

Agree about SNL. I was such a fan for so long, but I will never be able to forgive them for having Trump as a host. Such a slap in the face to Hispanics and non-racists everywhere.