Til Schweigers Schweigburgers

I didn't care much for that either. It seemed on par with the self-referential, clique-like wankery that some of his worst projects seem to transcend. I mean, come on. I love me some Schwartzman just like the next guy, but his singing was awful, and not in an adorable way.
The moment it hit me that I was watching

"Milky Joe's an arsehole!"

I'm glad for Kalan landing such a plum job, given his credentials. I've
come from hating his irritating guts to pure admiration for his wit, talent and confidence.

I've started with the beginnings when I finally amassed the episodes through the magic of illegal downloads. I wouldn't call them terrible or anything, but the prop comedy in between the movie segments were indeed painful. But I recon those, too, were already scripted and not ad-libbed. I've never made it to the Mike

Well, Paul Sheer loves to do so… that sweet viceland.tv money torrenting in…

I had all four of them pulled in one sitting, while being knocked out by some sweet narcotic gas, and spent the following days literally drooling rivers of blood, and the following weeks (!) sustaining on soup and finally ice cream because my mouth was swollen shut. I looked like my mouth was used to demonstrate the

All of the Upvotes! Liked the movie mostly because of him. His pudgyness totally worked for him and the discongruity between his likeable appearance and his cold professional demeanor made it work for me very well. I would've liked to see a movie all about him. I'm kinda confused right now how I tolerated the rom-com

I think a lot of the deadpan stuff might register as "not funny", because it isn't… as obvious as laugh-out-loud verbalized or visualized gags. They work through omission, which is tricky, subjective and might legitimately fly over one's head. The movie had me when Frank Oz went through the posessions in the prison,

And frequent cuts to black during climactic moments of "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH-" *cut* "-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

I watched it a couple of weeks ago and it bored me senseless. Even the parts that should be delightful, like the hilariously heavy incestual overtones where Harlin most definetly shot for what accounts to "subtlety" in his world, were dull beyond belief. This could be a hoot if completely deranged slashfiction writers

Thanks! I will hold off from listening to this episode (As far as I know the only HDTGM episode I skipped), as we both watched it for the very purpose of doing a podcast about it. It's in german, no one here would care anyway, so I won't whore it out or anything and I'm already feeling pretentious for admitting it.

I'm so sorry. Never not ask for help. Don't be alone. Don't think you'll never be happy again.

This comment section, man… you're a bunch of good people. I say that after browsing your comments for a while, and I stopped before I read any assholish ones, but I was able to read for quite a while.

This is a great article. Nothing to add, I just really enjoy these pieces.

The longer I look at that picture of Huge Ackman the more I want to tickle his neckballs. The experience of looking at that freaking pair of testicles on his throat, right there in front of you, would've been a worthy salary in and off itself. Someome HAD to at least flick it once during lighting breaks.
The result

"Der Untergangbang: The Last Days Of The Scheiße-Staffel"

His mentor/writing partner/teacher (?) wrote three out of four Ilsa Movies, I guess. Which, just taking an educated guess here, must have been a plum gig, work-intensity wise. Regardless of the compensation.

I hope German exploitation flicks from that time might get some coverage some day (they won't, and, honestly, they shouldn't, but it would be fun). The Faßbender clique even did one, it's called "Die Insel Der Blutigen Plantage" ("The Island of the Bloody Plantation", I guess). A one-hit-wonder singer called Christian

He better not helped himself to too much caviar that night…