
Drake vs Pete Davidson in a slap fight would be better than this video.

Tiniest of “scruples”? That makes no sense.

Drake loves Selena. Drake loves Leslie. The man has good taste.

‘First night and 2 girls are on me,” Hof said

It’s also a rite of passage for every manateen.


Gonna put it out there I have done it several times, love giving rim jobs and have never been sick. Obviously I expect my partner to be relatively clean and I wouldn’t go near it if there was obvious fecal matter (it’s anal, sometimes it happens) and in all honesty I have a fairly strong immune system (I spent much of

Mothers-in-law should be banned from ever discussing the reproductive systems of their daughters-in-law. I will vote for whoever makes this part of their platform.

...and the desperate people with no accreditation, no access and no party invitations, and tanned & painted matrons, victims of the old plastic surgery techniques with the little doggies, the young, cynical, ambitious and procurable of all genders wafting off in evening Tenders to distant Luxury Yachts, and suddenly

I’m going to add this because The Boss was a Cannes door opener with Lady Sings the Blues and this is still rare - credit to this woman!

Oh and so many hookers.

But truly the best are the Euro trash types who show up on Sunday for a light brunch, a smidge of molly and a nice bit of an afternoon rave. (Back to work on Monday at the cheese factories.)

I’ve been to Cannes a handful of times for work. It’s a good time. One of my favorite diversions is watching various UAE royals and other oilish richsters perch themselves in the hotel lobbies. They reserve huge swaths of perfectly good dancing real estate and don’t dance, they open and display the most expensive


Wow. I should have said I wasn’t sure but I erred to the optimistic.

In around 2007/8 I saw Paris Hilton blow more white powder than a zamboni.

Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

My mom who WASN’T a single mother in that she was married and we had a father sometimes, used to get pissed as fuck when someone would say ‘At least you have your husband there’ because my dad was gone 7-14 days with two or three days at home most of which were spent sleeping because he had just driven thousands of

Moms who allow themselves to have an identity beside being “MOM” are the best.