
Am I crazy for not thinking Beyonce deserved to win? I don't think Adele did either, but really none of the nominees did. It's not about race, it's about quality, and I really don't see why everyone thinks Lemonade was so amazing when I can't even think of a single memorable hook or lyric from it.


The season will eventually jump forward to the end of existence, when mankind's conscience has been absorbed into a supercomputer too powerful to exist outside hyperspace, and the last question - "What crazy antics could triplets have wrought?" - will remain unanswered.

You're probably joking, but I also think you're right. If all these people chose by their own free will to give this guy their money, then he should be able to do as he pleases with it.

I would love it if they would use numbers as letters in each of the sequels, but then just keep all the previous numbers in there when the next one comes out so they stack up.

I think that's maybe pushing the definition of "spoiler" a bit, but alright.

I don't see how they're spoilers. Unless it's a spoiler that the books drop off in quality.

I'm not speaking so much as someone who's read the books as someone who recognizes that when Cersei comments on people hurting little girls, she isn't referring to Jaime raping her. The way this reviewer interprets some scenes is just flat out strange.

Yeah that was a bullshit statement on Erik's part. These newbie reviews are pretty weird and full of botched analysis and misenterpretations.

I must be the only person watching who enjoys Ramsay and Theon's story. It's twisted and dark and fucked up, and to me it just shows how far some of these characters have fallen. I enjoyed them in the books too. After the Red Wedding the story loses a lot of steam and in some cases it massively jumps the shark, but

What's with the Harrington hate? I like his character in both the show and books and I've found his acting to be perfectly fine.

I still don't get how people can say they think Theon deserves any of this. He made some dumb mistakes, but he wasn't exactly in a good position. Plus, no matter what he did, no one deserves what he's had happen to him. Except Joffrey.

Link please and thank you

Right, but it's clearly inspired by the Middle Ages. When people ask you what the show is about, how do you describe it? I always jump to "it's set in a Middle Ages-esque world." I wouldn't expect a show set in a world like this that attempts to be realistic to not feature violence against women. Not to mention the

I find the allegations of sexism on this show really weird considering we're talking about a setting inspired by the Middle Ages, a time where women had virtually no rights and in many cases were raped by their drunk husbands. In what other show would we get a female character like Brienne?

Regarding the rape scene, I think it was just a really poorly executed and misguided scene, and we need to accept that the general interpretation of it was not the intended one. So when the show just brushes past it in the coming episodes, we need to realize that the writers didn't think of that scene as rape, and

I completely agree. I actually thought this was one of the season's best episodes so far.

I must be going crazy, I swear I watch this show with such intense focus and miss so much.

I just forgot because I don't think we've seen him in a while. I recognized his face but I couldn't remember who he actually was. When did he get sent to the Wall, and by whom? The Boltons?

It's crazy, I read the books but I've forgotten so many details that I'm basically watching blind. After like the third book things just got so crowded that I stopped taking in all the information. I didn't even know I was supposed to be shocked by the White Walker-baby thing, and I totally forgot that Locke is a bad