
The rape scene was really weird and I think it was a massive bummer because Jaime is a great character who's been constantly redeeming himself this season and last, but honestly I kind of saw the whole "it becomes consensual" thing in that scene. Cersei's protests, to me, seemed more like the "We really shouldn't be

On the topic of promises the show didn't deliver on, what's with the weird creature in the woods during the opening credits? In previous seasons the creepy images during the credits actually came into play over the course of the story, but that hasn't been the case here and I have a feeling we're never gonna see that

Honestly it seems to me that Murphy's attempts at making statements about sexism and racism all involve white men being horrible people. Which is somewhat offensive to me as a white man.

Holy crap the picture of Lady Fred in Carrie's room.

Honestly Thor is my favorite Marvel movie, and this was just as good if not better. I don't understand why these movies aren't getting better reviews. It sure as hell beats Captain America, which was easily my least favorite despite my love of the WWII setting.

Why the hating on Talk Talk, man?

Why the hating on Talk Talk, man?

Queenie should just get the girl who can read minds to tell her whether Myrtle was guilty. I mean, if that girl is just reading minds left and right anyway then she must already know about their scheme.

You're definitely being way too harsh (I thought this was a great episode by TWD standards) but I do agree with #1 and #9. That little girl's dialogue was all so forced and poorly delivered.

Oh my gosh guys, I just realized that they weren't just talking about bags and walkers when they kept saying to let go. Whoa.

I want a biopic about the American Revolution wherein everyone is played by Danny DeVito (including Ben Franklin of course).