Maybe you can still feel the wetness of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s lips from when he kissed you on your…
Maybe you can still feel the wetness of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s lips from when he kissed you on your…
To be fair, he was clearly worried about her black super powers. He had no way of knowing whether or not she, at any moment, could have attacked him with the strength of 10 men while running faster than a speeding car.
Im. giving this post a standing ovation. All hail the regular people!!!!!!
I get it, I get it, I get it, I get it.
It’s really not that hard to avoid this kind of marketing disaster.
You’re going to sit here in front of all these people and Jesus and tell me those are three different people and not just a photo of the same sad dude at 3 different points in his life?
I’m writing this from the third floor of the brownstone in Pittsburgh’s Northside that my wife and I have been…
I don’t know, I kind of like the idea that he is not anything deeper. Like he is just a dark force sensitive individual who wanted power. What’s his connection to Palpatine? Nothing, he just wanted to grab as much power in the vacuum as possible.
Yes. That’s one of my big hopes for the next movie, that Rey will build a new Jedi order that doesn’t make the same stupid mistakes as the last one. Like maybe ripping tiny children away from their families and turning them into magic space monks with no bonds to other humans is a bad idea.
Note: This article reveals major plot points of The Last Jedi.
We (in Atlanta) called my brother (in Auburn) and threatened to pull his plate at Christmas breakfast and dinner if he didnt vote today. Black folks everywhere should take this win.
No matter how infinitely imaginative I may consider myself, there are some things I am still unable to fathom. I…
A group of players in the National Football League accepted an offer from NFL owners for $100 million for social…
I’ve never seen stovetop macaroni except the prepackaged variety.What do you do for people who like the slightly burnt corner of the macaroni?
Why don’t white people acknowledge their cousins? (Or do they?)
milk, cream and butter are in every white recipe. It goes without saying.
Welcome back, white people! (I bet you’ve never heard anyone say that before.) After learning about the guest list…
As part of The Root’s ongoing efforts to satisfy the curiosity of our Caucasian constituency, we have decided to…
Yeah, that actually is - they are single-handedly keeping regular ass Cheerios afloat. I haven’t ever seen one eat cereal by itself while drinking milk thru a straw. That’s just evil.
While parts of it were obviously meant to be funny, as a whole, Get Out was one of the best horror movies I’ve seen in a long time. I get that it’s satire, but it’s the kind that cuts too close to the bone of reality. How many of us can relate to the overly invasive, fetishistic questions Chris is subjected to at the…