Yea I would agree that Spider-Man: Homecoming is Zendaya’s breakout mainstream role. Came out two years before Euphoria and Spider-Man movies are seen by a much bigger audience than that show is.
Yea I would agree that Spider-Man: Homecoming is Zendaya’s breakout mainstream role. Came out two years before Euphoria and Spider-Man movies are seen by a much bigger audience than that show is.
Nope. Two reasons — both of which were brushed over here. First, this is going to be built in a National Historic Park, restricting free space for people to come and do stuff outside. Which particularly impacts lower income residents, as at least one neighborhood borders this park.
What does he mean, because I’m trying to parse if he means political diversity, racial diversity, or Tupac v. Biggie versity?
Thank you for writing this piece.
At some point the black delegation is going to have to settle on a name for male Karens
To be fair, dude probably got tired of playing a character that got steadily more goofy and cartoonishly dumb, only relieved by jokes about his race. Not to mention having to deal with Chevy Chase’s racist shit behind the scenes. I can see why he soured on the whole enterprise.
how dare you leave out Keith David
The box office of the human heart.
How is the film not doing well in terms of box office when it hasn’t opened yet?
No, Inflata-Barb is my side piece. She’s gonna have to wait until my wife’s business trip for her special day.
I’m not sure it’s such a cheap narrative device when the villain has a gemstone that controls time, and when that villain was already shown reversing time.
Someone seems a mite jealous about how awesome Gail Simone is.
it’s whiteness
IDK if it’s cartoons or stuffed animals that makes people act every flavor of stupid around actual predators, but you don’t have to be a goddamn MENSA candidate to know not to get near anything that people have gone out of the way to put behind a fence.
I swear to god Lemon seems to be committed to doing the exact opposite of the TDK ethos: Either die a villain, or live long enough to see yourself become the good guy.
By then there will be plenty of reviews by people who actually saw the movie, so it’s at least an improvement. I doubt many people were going to movies’ pages before they were released to leave a good review.
Dude, you can’t post ALEX ROSS art from KINGDOM FREAKIN’ COME as your “baseline” for the big red cheese...
It’s in line with Jeff Smith’s Shazam and the Monster Society of Evil fun!
Husky, you “hi-yella”, “piss-colored”, “paper bag looking”, “you ain’t all black”, “light-skinned are at the bottom of the black race”ass nearly negro, you!
That is because it’s only a partial redemption. Loki never says he is sorry for the attack on New York. Or faking his death. Or taking over Asgard and putting Odin in a nursing home.