The heartwarming Hobbit trilogy reunion:
The heartwarming Hobbit trilogy reunion:
Maybe its an ant with a full wasp for a butt. Have they considered that?
Okay, okay, but what about this scene:
I also saw it as a slight jab at Han shooting first. We establish a rogue with a murder. There’s no tinkering with the recipient having his back turned.
All the cool people are leaving and being replaced by fucking assholes.
Just some perspective - there’s not enough information in the early reports to make any sort of call on a prognosis but she (and we) may have gotten very, very lucky.
Come on. Not this one. Not now.
Fucking 2016.
Always did enjoy this gif
and then ......
*Reads about potential arms race two days before Christmas*
And, in case you need more Venture Christmas in your life...
This image confirms my suspicion that Eric Trump is now a vampire lord, and Don Jr is a life-like wooden puppet that Eric controls.
Here’s one of the gifs.
If Ridley Scott and John Carpenter opened a sushi bar...
“Herp derp, can anyone explain to me why imprisoning a woman alone with me and confining her for the rest of her life is wrong?” /s
Anyone else got taken out of the movie by how uninspired and non-Star Wars sounding the score was??
And now I want a pizza roll.
Much of the issue with the prequels can be boiled down to Lucas’s directing. The acting was awful, but considering the cast was full to the brim with actors ranging from competent to outright stellar, that leaves only directing as the potential answer.