Objectively Fantastic

I also have memories of hearing the same song on the radio every morning before school, but mine was "Don't Speak" by No Doubt.

The Voyage Home will always be my favorite.

It actually means "not a good look". I presume there was a typo on "luck" there.

"Not a good look", actually. Common term on gossip blogs and tumblr.

Yeah, that was a pretty heavy episode. It was actually Cory that got in trouble for shoving the professor when he found out. They went to a hearing and the prof claimed Topanga initiated it. Cory only got suspended, and nothing happened to the teacher in the end.

What is their best episode, then?

The black and Latino actors and directors that are household names are only household names by the good graces of the white people running Hollywood. They allow only a few token POC at a time to have major careers. It's a product of a prejudice that is so deeply ingrained they probably don't even realize they do it,

Yeah they started insisting in every episode that "we loved each other since we were two years old!" Cory had no interest in Topanga in the first couple of seasons.

Don't be ridiculous!

The sexist bullshit is present in both things.

Isn't it possible that POC actors "typecast themselves" because typecasted roles are often the only ones available to them? Isn't it possible that you can't name a worthwhile Latino actor not because Latinos suck at acting, but rather because Latinos rarely get a chance to become a star thanks to Hollywood's white

Funny how women in the workplace always seem to manage to have a less valued background, experience, personality, etc. etc. in comparison to their male peers.

Yeah they took out the the whole first paragraph which was basically saying "OK we're not saying he's not a horrible person and stuff BUT…" and the quote everyone else is talking about: "But it’s also statistically improbable that none of the people tweeting out Duggar's alleged OK cupid profile have any online

They've edited the article to remove most of the defensive tone.

I'm pretty sure the article has been heavily edited since I first read it. It was originally to the tone of "hey internet why don't you lay off Josh Duggar unless you have no secrets of your own!"

Did he use a bat in some awful way that I was unaware of?

NOTE: The article was heavily edited right about the time I posted this.

Women over 30 in Hollywood don't stand a chance even if they've put in the same years as a male counterpart, that's another thing that sucks.

So women should just accept being paid less than their male counterparts, and let's not speak of it again because you don't want to hear about it?

I think the point is that the pay gap is so entrenched in our society that it goes all the way to the top. No one is saying JLaw doesn't make a shit ton of money.