Objectively Fantastic

Unfortunately no one cares to click on news about B-list celebrity pay gaps therefore A list names are brought up, but people are very quick to dismiss any A-list comparison as an overblown example and/or rich people whining. There's no winning, it seems.

It's the same argument that's used to dismiss articles like these. "Actresses don't draw audiences like men do, so that's why they have a huge pay gap" as if that explanation excuses the whole thing.

I always thought he said "Doctor GB's" which I assumed was another reference to someone in the movie. Thanks to this article I now know it's actually "Not the GB's" in reference to the Ghostbusters. Thanks, Paul!

Yeah, this Hatesong was actually decent because Scheer had reasons that went beyond the usual "this guy's a phony!" He actually likes Will Smith aside from this, and that helped.

Your mom's not that far off… it's about a huge orgy in the middle of a Holiday Inn.

Redmayne's performance was based on all the terrible elements of Ralph Fiennes' Voldemort. The same wheezy-old-man voice, the ridiculous yell-whispers, awkward slow movements.

It's all about "innocent babies" with them. It's pro-life only for innocent babies in the womb. Our foreign enemies aren't innocent! Women with complications/incest/rape pregnancies aren't so innocent either!

The "recirculate air" button is a necessity when driving through central CA.

I imagine it's a wonderful way to drive off customers who might otherwise have returned to the business.

I'll stop flagging them then!

I sometimes flag those types of Amazon reviews… am I wasting my time or does it actually help?

You can even review sections of freeways.

Wow, that's weird. What town was this? I'm in Los Angeles and at least half the Yelp elites here are POC… I haven't experienced anyone getting political at events.

Yes, in fact I'm a Yelp Elite… although I've run out of steam on reviewing so I will probably be out of that program next year. I find that the average star rating for businesses with a good amount of reviews (say, 50+) is almost always accurate, so I think it's a wonderful resource most of the time.

Blackfish only earned $2m and wasn't nominated for an Oscar yet SeaWorld is taking huge hits because of it.

I assure you, plenty of people say that. I hear it in LA all the time.

Talk about nitpicking…

I don't think Felicia Day or Wil Wheaton are that type, they seem pretty damn real about always being nerds, yet both of them seem to get a good amount of hate directed at them. Do "real nerds" hate them because they brought mainstream attention to nerd culture and encourage people to be proud of being a geek?

I apologize if there was any offense in me using the word "gear". I've been told before (by a furry) that for SOME furries it is a kink.

I think the purpose of this hack is to try to avoid looking like a fatty asking for extra everything. This way, you "secretly" get more without having to make it obvious that you want double the food.