Objectively Fantastic

It's an American thing, I'm sure. When it comes to food we want as much as we can get for our money.

To be quite honest I'm really surprised that it's still socially acceptable to openly mock furries considering the increased push for social justice in recent years. It's not really that far removed from wearing any other type of gear as a lifestyle/kink imo.

It's clickbait at best. The source article this was cribbed from says "Richard Luthmann, an admitted fan of the HBO series".

My expectations were very, very low but this was actually hilarious. Great job, indeed.

On the bright side, Prime gives you streaming content AND 2-day shipping for the same price as Netflix.

If you're used to a major city, maybe, but not everyone wants that. Most of these comments could apply to pretty much any midsize city in the country…

You could say that about every midsize city in the US.

Also the band Cake!

I was born and raised in Sacramento and I have fond memories of it. This thread makes me sad.

I haven't seen Sin City in years but I recall seeing Gail and co. as a positive depiction of female power…

I do not understand people that exclusively drink bottled water. At least get a Brita, people! I have a water cooler with a 5gal jug that I refill at the reverse-osmosis machine at the grocery store. I will admit I keep a flat of bottles in the car for on-the-go needs, but those are rarely used.

I had an argument with my conservative mom about her opposition to Obamacare except, you know, the part that allowed her to keep my sister on her plan past college, which she is super thankful for. I don't think I made any impression beyond getting her to admit she's only in favor of things that personally benefit

I wonder if it has to do with the QWERTY layout… undo, cut, copy and paste correspond to the first 4 letters on the bottom row of your keyboard, Z X C V respectively. I would consider those commands to be related enough that it was on purpose.

For some reason I've never been victim to the "smile!" epidemic, and I'm not a smiley person. I don't WANT to be heckled, of course, but I can't help but feel like I must be so hideous that men won't even bother heckling me. Hah.

The intro to "Waiting For A Girl…" has been my ringtone for years. I probably wouldn't even put "Jukebox Hero" in my top 10 from Foreigner.

According to Wikipedia he played on Urgent and Waiting For A Girl Like You.

OITNB is a resort prison in comparison to Oz. There's maybe one brutal scene per season at most.

I've been watching DS9 on Netflix for a few months and I find it's too heavy for me to binge. One episode a day is all I can do.

We didn't have hashtags back then to easily track down other people who were also outraged by things!