Objectively Fantastic

Well, material isn't safe from viral backlash even when tried outside of Twitter. All it takes is someone in the audience posting about the bit on social media.

Then what sin(s) did Jesus' death clear away if not original sin?
/never religious beyond children's bibles

Ohhh, you bet… many Americans are against paid/extended maternity leave. I invite you to visit the comments section of any news article on the subject.

He performed it at Dodger Stadium last year…

I imagine usually people are fairly bitter about their divorce and what led up to it, which can lead to venting when the subject veers toward their past. I can see the same if someone had a bad breakup that they're still feeling negative about.

I can think of a few things that fit this criteria, but the one that sticks out most to me is the Bob Rivers Twisted Christmas series of Christmas parody albums and a few Dr Demento Christmas songs we had on a mixtape. My family listened to all of those tapes every year driving to grandma's house for Christmas. I

I was going to mention Hook as well. I still think it's a great movie, although I'm sure nostalgia plays a huge part. Most people my age seem to love it too.

I guess it goes to show what kind of circles I run in, but my mind immediately jumped to the "this is offensive/appropriation" meaning because that's almost exclusively how I see "problematic" used these days.

My family and I liked watching Father of the Bride when I was a kid. I rewatched both a few years ago and still enjoyed them.

I live in Los Angeles and I find myself saying this at least once a week. Usually at other drivers.

I think all these bands will eventually be in the HOF. They drag out the process to keep the interest up. If they added all the household names everyone expects first, they'd be left with increasingly obscure nominees in years to come. Inducting only a couple of major artists per year ensures they can keep doing

We only allow pop culture references that all ages will understand here!

Unfortunately that IS Travolta.

So we know it's actually darryl himself at the keyboard and not some prankster who hijacked his account, duh!

Is this why PayPal and eBay are separating their companies?

I can think of a lot of famous ad campaigns that we probably all remember (Taco Bell chihuahua, the Pepsi girl, Budweiser frogs, even Coke polar bears) but I don't know how you well can compare them to the Coke ad. They were memorable taglines at best.

It's like when people write "el oh el" or write out "hashtag" to convey that they're ironically using a silly Internet thing.

I'm just glad Don managed to save the island.

Two days after the series finale and you can't take it anymore? At least give it a week to die down.

I was using Tyson as a prominent example most of us would be aware of, not making any claims that he's better at it than anyone else.