Objectively Fantastic

Why is everyone giving you crap for this? You've explained that the French sounds blatantly awful to people who actually speak French. For a show that is meticulously accurate in other areas, it's a valid criticism. Hope it didn't ruin the entire series for you, though.

That stood out to me too, but according to Wikipedia power windows have gone back to the 40s and mentions that Cadillac had them in the 60s, so it's plausible.

They can't cancel it now, Universal Studios JUST got around to building a Simpsons-land.

Try it! Preface it by explaining you're new at this but you would really like to try and tell her you want her to guide you as much as she can. A good partner should be willing to help you learn.

The hitch with racial preferences is that society has beauty standards that boil down to racial features in many ways. It can be argued that racism plays a part.

I learned it from Loveline back in high school. I'm really glad I was prepared with that knowledge before I started having sex because at least I can tell myself I'm not that weird. I have a really hard time getting there even with manual stimulation.

When I was a kid, my parents had the 25-channel "cheap cable" but they paid for Disney for us. I couldn't talk about the shows with most of my friends because it was premium, but I loved the old cartoons, the new Mickey Mouse Club etc. The quality took a dive when they started playing commercials and I think shortly

Become a popular post on Reddit and soon you too can be featured on Great Job, Internet.

I played the hell out of this CD when I was 10. She sounded like a badass woman and the light sprinkling of 4-letter words were part of the draw, I suppose.

I'm the same. I do all right playing along with Jeopardy but my mind just doesn't work the right way for Wheel, I guess.

Interesting that the Collecting Candy owner replied to a comment on that post saying that he's worked with Mad Men before, but not this time, and they used his wrapper scans without permission.

Actually Diana was the waitress from this season. She's brunette. Apparently Doris (also a waitress) and Alice were women he hooked up with after the CLIOs in Waldorf Stories. I don't remember either of them by the screenshots.

I'm almost ashamed to admit it but I thought he looked hot too. I was kinda rooting for Betty to go for it. I don't think they would have regretted it, to be honest.

Red flags all over the place. Why are you still interested?

Since U Been Gone was an even bigger hit than Breakaway, and it was rejected by both Pink and Hilary Duff.

Not at all. Your comment implied that the only way for a comedian to avoid the subject (if she wanted to) would be to not do an interview at all, ever. That's not fair or helpful.

You're saying the only options are 1) pursue the topic of sexism in interviews or 2) never interview female comedians.

I don't think the sales + income taxes on a $19000 prize car would add up to 50% of the value so he would come out ahead.

It's not a tumor!