Objectively Fantastic

He definitely had a vision of Anna Draper when she died, though.

I thought it was Midge. I looked at pics of both actresses and I'm still convinced she was intended to resemble Midge.

I always feel like I've stepped into another dimension when I read AVC music articles.

Rich people bid outrageous money for memorabilia all the time, though. I don't see why this case is particularly notable.

Expert Witness remains the best feature on AV Club. It's really great to read that Nickelodeon was really as generous and kid-oriented as they always seemed back then.

According to their URL, the source is "Digital News Spy" not "Digital New Spy". Also they are somehow under the impression that Jurassic World is a James Cameron project.

One of my past roommates loved it. We used to do karaoke weekly and that was her staple. I hated it as a kid but now I'm just neutral on it.

By then the title will have been pared down to a simple F 40.

Dr. Pulaski was fine and to me, more interesting than Crusher. Yes, she was a Bones ripoff, but I liked her.

Riker was a character I thought would be awesome before I started watching the series (handsome dashing guy like Kirk). Instead he seemed constantly pissed for no reason, but not in an entertaining way like Bones was.

Accepted maybe, but I'm not sure it was ever celebrated.

Not great, Internet! Is there nothing else you could find that's better than "half joking but also somewhat legit"?

Pretty sure they've been sourcing from Reddit for some time now, unfortunately.

I've never really felt a difference.

I got spoiled on Claire by a headline on another site, so I knew what was coming, but I wonder if I would have been more disappointed if I hadn't known. I guess I can believe that she might start having regrets about things as the stakes get higher. The show is just not as fun when these two are no longer a ruthless

He seemingly had successful sex with Claire in that weird corny scene early in the season, and like you said with Zoe so I think he's got to be bi. I read the rough sex scene like he's not dominant in bed and couldn't make it happen for her.

FaceOff can stay too.

I'm going to go with this because the idea of two people that are horrible enough to taunt this poor guy over the phone while they have sex is too much for me.

I'm sure his attraction to the woman and her willfully "betraying" him plays a large part. I doubt he would be satisfied with just listening or peeping on random couples having sex.

I can get Time Warner's basic cable package added onto my Internet service for $10 a month if I wanted it. Why would I pay Apple up to 4x as much?