Objectively Fantastic

To me it was the obvious conclusion to S2 and really it's more about the journey than the destination. If you haven't watched it within a year, then sorry but it's fair game to mention it IMO. The entire third season revolves around that plot point.

Sheesh. I'm no Apple cheerleader but I replied because I understand their mobile devices and I'm happy to offer some quick suggestions. Sorry you feel like your mom got duped, but I hope our advice helps you get her off the subscription plan and maintain her storage so she won't need it. Good luck.

5 GB of space? Any chance you're confusing the device's capacity with iCloud's free cloud storage allowance of 5GB…? My 16GB iPhone takes up just 1.5GB of iCloud storage.

Many Bothans were slapped to bring us this information.

In the criminal justice system, slap-based offenses are considered especially heinous.
In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Slapped Victims Unit.
These are their stories.

Conceived in Australia, rather.

I'm sure the techniques, habits, professionalism, and mistakes observed in the cooking process are factored into the judging, so I think it makes sense.

Someone did that on the last season of MasterChef too. When one of the judges called her out she said something along the lines of, "I thought you had people clean this up later."

That's kind of like The Onion's tweet about Quvenzhane Wallis that everyone got up in arms about. The joke was that no one would say such a thing about a kid, yet the Internet outrage machine took it as "hey these people just called that child a c*nt!"

Some people honestly think that "animals" encompasses just our furry and feathered friends. They probably think bugs/fish are different kingdoms or something.

That sure is better than what welfare/unemployment pays. I believe a whole lotta unemployed people would be lining up for guaranteed entry level jobs paying more than UI…

I used to enjoy that show, but the whole "this locker is full of trash EXCEPT THIS ONE THING" gimmick got old.

Free will… and stuff…

How much time and effort could this column possibly take that he needs to do an "easy" one? Half the time he passes it off to an expert anyway.

Abusive people don't typically beat their significant others in front of friends and colleagues, so it's not surprising that you wouldn't have seen it in action.

No I think you're referring to Vance Joy - Riptide

But what hit songs are considered to be objectively bad enough to meet the standard? I feel like anyone's dislike of a song boils down to "I think it's dumb and it does nothing for me".

Well, of course it's all personal taste, which usually boils down to "it just sounds boring/lame/cringeworthy to my ears". That's why this feature is stupid, imo.

I heard it enough in its heyday that I can't stand it now.