Objectively Fantastic

I went to a wedding somewhat like that recently and the best way I could describe it was "Pinterest". It was held outdoors on the bride's family's country property, all signs and menus were chalkboards, the favors were mason jar mugs. Luckily the opposite of a dry wedding - they had a little shack converted into a

This song is so inoffensive I can't even be bothered to hate it. Then again, maybe I'm just making excuses because "alternative" radio hits have been awful for years and at least this one doesn't make me race to change the station immediately.

I was going off the quote you posted, which doesn't indicate your feelings were much more than "meh see ya" which would sting coming from someone you were serious enough to move in with. If you did say "I want you to stay, but…" then that's a little less harsh.

Yeah, it wasn't obvious to me for a long time, either. Sure, I knew all the words, but I guess I chose to interpret them in more of a "I have a huge crush on someone and I think about him all the time and I wish he would realize we're perfect for each other" way rather than a "I'm literally following you in my car

I always optimistically assume the couples who do that have already discussed marriage being on the table in the near future, and he arranges the proposal with a 99% certainty she is ready to accept.

I don't think replying "no" is automatically creeper status. There's a difference between "no (please don't go)" and "no (I won't allow you to go)".

That response comes off like you couldn't care less whether she stays or goes. She probably hoped for an indication that the relationship still meant something to you. It might have gone over better if you at least prefaced that statement with "I love you and I want you to stay but…"

Sometimes it's funny for me to come here and read all this hate toward '90s music. I suppose my peers sharing Buzzfeed articles that would have you believe it was everyone's favorite decade have put me in a bubble. This particular song was never my favorite, but I loved the genre then and now.

Yep. I was 10 years old in '96 and I adore 90s rock/alternative. A lot of the bands people are crapping on in the comments here… well, I really enjoy them to this day, even if it is just nostalgia.

I'm in a large city and the "rock" stations have fully converted to "alternative" which seems like it's all light dance beats, echo voice effects, and borderline-pop bands that consist of one girl, one guy, and a keyboard. I'm even starting to miss the rap-metal era at this point.

I actually liked both Wonderwall and Boulevard of Broken Dreams, but they were completely awful mashed together.

I had no idea Spencer's Gifts still existed until last weekend when I went to a mall outside my local area. It was much more… Hot Topic-y than I remember. A lot of leather and light BDSM gear for sale. I loved that store when I was 15. Sex toys available to minors, woohoo!

What @Young_Rutiger:disqus said… they can only complete actions that were already completed. All the stuff that Harry and Hermione did when they went back in time were things that their future selves had also done in the first go-around (Harry saved by his own Patronus etc).

I've been pretty deep into another iPhone app for a couple of years now, and you wouldn't believe the thousands of dollars per MONTH the top players drop. I'm pretty conservative with my in-app purchases and I've still managed to rack up a bill I'm not proud of… it can be hard not to be a sucker when they give you an

I thought the Kim Kardashian commercial should have used that song.

The Limo has always been my favorite.

I wouldn't miss it. My inherited-from-grandma '02 Honda doesn't have a CD player and I'm using a cassette adapter to listen to my phone. I don't think I listened to a CD in my previous car more than a handful of times either.

It's a male couple, though. Says right there in the letter!

Hey Dik. Although I mostly lurk here and unfortunately have no advice for you as a straight lady, I just wanted to throw you a note to say congrats on building the courage to get this revelation off your chest here, and I wish you success in finding the right guy at the right time. The supportive atmosphere in this

My office bought a Surface Pro 3 with all the available accessories and it is fantastic. I would buy one for myself if they weren't near $1k just for the tablet and keyboard.