Objectively Fantastic

If you miss the Start menu, get Classic Shell. It works perfectly.

The Start menu search bar was one of the best timesavers Windows 7 bestowed upon us…

"as most human beings with Internet connections and iPods know…"

I'm sure many people expect to be attracted to the opposite sex because of social norms, and take some time to become secure in their attractions. Plus, until recently, "gay" wasn't widely introduced to young people as a thing that they might be, or that it's OK to be.

I'm disappointed that the only thing remaining on that Wikipedia list that isn't a music video is Charlie Bit My Finger. I remember when it seemed like nothing would ever beat that Evolution of Dance bit as most-watched.

I actually enjoyed this edition of Hatesong, apparently for all the reasons everyone else hated it.

I could never follow through with the torture-death methods. I tried it a couple of times since it was all the rage, but I couldn't stand hearing and seeing them screaming and crying in a pool of their own waste for more than a minute. No, thanks.

I swore off the show after the dismal Authority season (5) but later on I gave S6 a try and actually enjoyed the overall plot. Unfortunately the final season was again boring and sloppily cobbled together, so I would say don't bother.

Having learned my lesson from Lost, I went in with the lowest of expectations and came out feeling like it was only lazy at worst. It helped that the rest of the season pretty much broadcasted that it wasn't going to be exciting.

I think people just don't realize that all of their hits were by them. They probably know the titles, but don't connect the band.

*puts on robe and wizard hat* Ahem… the Patronus is basically a ward spell that takes a ghostly animal form that represents the caster.

Does sneaking pictures of your girlfriend while she's changing count as objectification? I tell him I feel objectified by it, but maybe I was using it incorrectly.

This was my thought as well… the best response is something along the lines of "I'm aware of the items you found, he's not gay, and it's none of your business anyway."

"I wrestled with that issue and I came to the conclusion that changing it would be a disaster, because the clues were there. You can’t do that, so I’m just going to go ahead."

This one is hitting me hard. I grew up watching Hook, Aladdin, Mrs. Doubtfire… the news of suicide is especially shocking and tragic. RIP Robin.

I've seen couples using their bottles in cutesy anniversary/engagement/etc photos. Unfortunately my boyfriend has a Spanish name, and we can never participate in these things.


The shake is 1,496 calories on its own.

Jonah Ray happened to be on KROQ this morning, and they mentioned this interview and asked him if he'd heard MAGIC!'s song yet. He hadn't. They should do a followup Hatesong on that abomination.

Oh man. Many a morning when this song was on pop radio while my mom drove us kids to school, and everyone was too uncomfortable to change the station and possibly raise questions.