Objectively Fantastic

The headlines about this theory are generally, "you know, THAT theory, *wink*". That's what I mean by hush-hush.

As nothing more than a casual watcher of the show, I'm confused about why this fan theory is so hush-hush and secretive. Is it because it's probably going to end up being true, so people are treating it as a legitimate spoiler?

Because they can get away with it here.

On the other hand, I've been told that wet food only diets are horrible for the cat's dental health. Probably best to do a mix or alternate dry and wet for most cats.

I'm sure that even if she survived, she'd be sent to max for breaking out, and we wouldn't see her again anyway.

I saw him at Staples Center in 2008. That show was by far the best concert I've ever been to. He's got incredible energy and charisma.

The mirror reference is pictured in the article, man!

Yeah, I'm a sucker for these never-ending Fallout and Elder Scrolls games. I do every quest no matter how mundane.

My morning commute takes me by FOX studios in Los Angeles, and a few weeks ago they used their largest billboard space to display this monstrosity. I didn't submit any complaints myself, but I was pretty pleased when they replaced it within a week, and I'm not surprised at this. It's too much.

Oh, that's easy - any majority group, really. White people, cis people, straight people. The exception is the rich, but that's because they have power despite not being a majority. Holding power means these groups won't be as damaged by generalizations and stereotypes as others.

Wow, I have the exact same story… never cared for a friend's boyfriends much, but her latest is a really awesome, friendly, "normal" guy in person, and I was happy she found a good guy. Come to find out he's got some serious anger issues behind the scenes. You just never know.

I feel like it's already reached that point, but I seem to be alone on that… so carry on, Bill.

If you're close to receiving a promotion and have no other prospects at the moment, I'd take it, particularly if your resume is lacking. It's not written that you have to stay in that career path if you take the promotion. You'd certainly have better luck finding another job if you are currently in a full-time solid

I thought she was embezzling. The accountant pointed out that she had two budgets for the same thing under different names (the bathroom repairs) and that he wanted to look into it.

Soso bothered me because she was an even more obnoxious version of Piper but never got any of the terrifying prison humiliations Piper did. They all just seemed to more or less tolerate her immediately, which I thought was weird.

It was telegraphed from the moment the assistant(?) first appeared in the hotel room… they shared that knowing look.

I liked it better than the first as well. There was less Piper, minimal Alex, and a Piper that already knows her way around prison was so much more watchable to me.

I just recently started Metroid Prime again and it only took me a couple of minutes to get back into the controls.

Yeah, that was a much better time jump than last season's.

I absolutely wouldn't update an iPhone 4 to iOS 7. Kudos for being able to deal with an older device for that long.