
True Pats fans right now are torn between whether to blame ESPN or Roger Goodell for this latest unfair outrage. Whatever the eventual response, I’m sure it will contain the phrase “haters.”

There is no violin tiny enough...

Depends how raw the water is.

....on the next 30 For 40.

Yelich Traded to Yankees for Thoughts and Prayers


It’s been awhile since 8th grade science, but... Sedimentary?

A good thing to see after reading/hearing all of these brave, gruesome statements:

He has achieved a level of sass that can only be reached from years of working at the DMV.

The old tackle with your head method is going to be questioned after this.

Seriously. This is justifiable manslaughter at absolute worst.

Especially since they all come from the shithole states.

Wanted for murder, you say? Catching this man’ll be.../wait for it/...a TALL order. #gobertorgohome

Tomi Lahren. Born Rapid City, SD.

Right Wing Nutters: “America is the greatest country in the world and fuck you if you don’t recognize and celebrate American Exceptionalism!”

I wouldn’t want to get into a “which is the bigger shithole” argument between France and Utah*

The only thing my dad’s wife gave us before she moved to Texas and married some other guy six months after he died was his ashes. WHICH WE DIDN’T WANT AND NEVER ASKED FOR. Joke’s on her; they’re still in storage (coming up on 11 years!).*

No, she became legendary for standing up to stalking and horrible intrusion.

This really makes me lose so much respect I once had for Sager. I know this is a personal/family matter, but it’s still super messed up.