
I am not quite sure I know what the fuck is going on here, but we are definitely playing it in my PE class next week

I went to Dunkin’ Donuts this weekend and ordered 5 donuts and 10 Munchkins. (They weren’t all for me, shut it.) I received 4 donuts and no Munchkins and had to go back to get the rest.

Let’s compare the divisions that each team is in, shall we? There’s a reason that the Texans have gotten more chances.

Definitely Broom Girl, unassisted, at 0:11.

Deandre Jordan is more of a Maverick than John McCain.

I guess I’m one of the mythical “undecided voters,” in that I am undecided as to whether I will vote at all. There are surely more undecided voters like me than of the other type, those civic-minded numbskulls who populate televised town halls and Frank Luntz focus groups because they are positive they will vote, but

Looks like it’s Famine time in the Feaster household

I assume he found a v-neck undershirt to wear to his grand jury appearance.

I love how refusing to visit a draft dodger in the White House is somehow disrespectful to the troops. Not to mention our commander-in-chief once ridiculed a gold star family, a war hero and said he “knows more than the generals.” Yeah, he respects the hell out of the troops.

He needs to fix his damn collar. And also not tolerate rapes.

Nope, close though. he’s a Texas Toast fan. And a Texas Red Hot fan.

I stopped going to church for the same reason.

On Feb. 20, 2014, the athletic department informed Eustachy that he was no longer allowed to be alone with players, and that the AD or an associate AD must be present at practices, team meetings, and in the locker room during games.

“The Kushners remain interested in corruption, and would love to delay the payoff until it doesn’t look so bad.”

Let me help out the people of Lawrence.

Another example of journalists that think people pay attention to sports as an auxiliary to their writing and not the other way around.

I love the depth of his anger when his “ownership” of the quote just means it was said in front of him.

Six weeks without Love? Big deal. Try 34 years.

Geez, does everything have to be about Love on Valentine’s day?

Soon we’ll all need Coyotes to lead us into Canada.