Gamora Thanos


Or you know AngieJo could do it she can be any race, gender, species really......

Oscah dahling oscah......that is ALL that this is about....Trans Actors rilly.....that is NOT how you get the statue ask Mr Leto or Ms Swank thankyouverymuch

Thank you for your post, this is a very important topic for discussion, (I thinks so, and I assume you do also). I think from your post that you have not read the truly informative replies to this my original posting yesterday, and I am not suggesting that you have to do that at all. However, I found it very

It would not be good if it were a lady rocker that this happened to so why is it good to keep playing this.....he’s fine and he’s hot and yeah he has a nice cock, but stop okay seriously stop. Equity

I think a mandate for all catergories of workers who have been part of a business for more than a year [I chose 3 years] would be fair all around.

I just learned the following and I think this is actually a damn good solution:

Having just learned of it I could not agree more, fair, rational and workable scheme all around.

I love this and this is a model I think most people would not have an issue getting behind. I am pleased to learn of this.

Thank you for your reply, I have found it very illuminating sharing with other members views on the matter. I have learned a great deal about the issue and matters surrounding it. I wrote the following reply to another member but allow me to share it with you also:

Yes, and yes to much of what you said, but I am going for the best compromise and most possible soloution raising payroll taxes to pay for parental leave- yeah that will happen when wars stop and we all treat each other equitably - so pretty much never. What I had hoped through my suggestion or a modification of it

I can get down with that modification

What is it a government scholarship? No one is bonded or obliged to do anything, except the employer in this scenario. To answer your question directly, the employee should not be required to return once the leave ends, but that really depends on their contract. Honestly though, I think what you might be angling at is

You know I told another poster that it has been a long journey for me, a woman of reproductive age, to come to my time-limit-before-leave-kicking-in plan position as previously I was hard riding with the your-body-your-time-you-foot-the-bill-for-what-you-put-out but I have changed my position the more information that

Thanks, I have gotten a lot of really positive comments, and I have moved my position to initially thinking that why should I pay for your reproduction to my current view so I have travelled abit. Thanks for clearing that fog and the link.

Huh? I am not getting you. I got a response about employers abusing the meaning of the law to bypass paying via contract shennanigans but I am am not getting your point, and that is totally me. If, what you are saying is - since the employee is super new anyway no harm no foul to give them the paid leave to

Hmmm did not know that, so thanks and I feel for you too because Uni HR departments are the worst with contracts.

Okay, [big swallow], I am going to dive in and it may not be popular but please discuss how you disagree [or agree with me] rather than just shooting me down please.

You Kallie are correct.

Also the couple of billion or so movie watching market in Asia is not ummm white, so that could be added to KinjaMeYourBooobs thought process -such that it is.