Gamora Thanos

8. Comedy relief servant or other working class female. Oh and double props for ethnic diversity and relatability if this is a “Fat Ethnic Sassy-Type”

3. Girlfriend (may or may not be waitress or stripper; has few interests in life, aside from the hero)........Or both to be fair - also hooker with a heart of gold

Because men matter........all the time........in e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g that they do.

You are a treasure Ms Hope a treasure never stop doing what you do. Now, I would like to apply to Starz as an assistant on this show, a great many of Mr Hardwick’s [oh what a name with porn potential].....erm angles of entry seem off and I would lend my expertise, gladly, to establish the authenticity of sexy time ass


Why not transfer the cast form the Web-Series maybe change 1 or 2 but just keep what worked....how hard is that? Look did they give Flight of The Conchords this much shite?

I was about to type the same thing........so many times when I read of the Gay struggle, or the fight for homosexual rights that is just means white gay male homosexual rights. Is this on purpose, is this racism is this male misogyny, I dunno but I am sick of it

Now playing

Is that bitch coming for her money .....I am gutted that my fantasy couple is splitting but I wanted a I KNOW WE’RE COOL ENDING and not him coming at her cash

it’s the primary ingredient -crack and secondary ingredient-meth that have you coming back

How could they tell if the plastic was still on, it’s not like they could taste the difference

Agreed, that or the sutures broke and it’s stuck like that - [I know nothing of plastic surgery].

I get that but that was annoying she did nothing wrong and if they want to be asses, as long as Verity is cool bean fuck that, it just smacks at “ohh look at the goodness of the poor char-girl, heart of gold that one, sacrificed for them”....she is always trying too hard. I know I am pissed because I get that she felt


Yeah, what’s up with that, and why her kid to boot? Really the St Demelza schtick was a bit too much jerk ruining your husband’s fortune and a Dick to his sister but Family Ross Family really and your kid is dead specifically because you went to care for people who should learn to fucking do something

Awesome, Love love love this series and everything Woodehouse your post brought a smile to my face.

Breathing RealDoll

You human.....you will live to serve another day

Dita Von Tesse takes her style cues from ms Merle Oberon

Oh a Kardashian

Stop, are you sure it was her hair though........[monocle on]....erhaps it was his own, strikes me as a creature that regularly forceably penetrates himself