Gamora Thanos

You know.....I cite the Dynasty Defence....Blake clearly “forced himself” [1980s word for rape] on the wonderful Crystal Carrington after he found out that she was taking birth control - HOW DARE SHE.....clearly once bought and paid for a husband especially a tycoon husband IS entitled to exclusive and unrestricted

He was in Harry Potter man this feels like....ummm....noooooope no no all wrong no sorry like he is forever a kid, yeah even though but no.....

My sibling in lust....very good, now to loose the towel..........

Only that?

So I should tell you I shape shifted into that knife when he was on the chew, he kept calm but he was totally freaked out by this knife always jumping into his mouth, but he played it cool....

You too, I was like whoa giraffe-much?

Amen, Hallelujah.....thank you for saying it....thank you thank you.......and for economy

How much are we talking about and what drugs will be involved?

His stylist is THE devil...........no seriously what is the elixir?

She is so OJs kid I mean she could be his daughter with Nicole Brown

What a great sister

A thousand:

Tip line????

Daniel Ken Holtzclaw, 27, The Oklahoma Cop is charged with 34 counts in Oklahoma County District Court. Two counts of sexual battery were added during a preliminary hearing.

Happy to hear this perspective....I found what you said, “...........while HR is supposed to be the arbiter of the “right” thing for the company and the employee it often ends up being a the “cover your ass and continue doing your shit behavior” department for whoever is in power.”

The things you do not know when you start working are deep and wide, but thanks I think I shall order this.

It is going to sound like an attack, and I am trying for it not to, I beg of you not to take it that way. I must ask, what is the purpose of the HR managers and the HR department? Is it to protect the company and hire those best to fit the corporate image and stave off lawsuits and id “trouble-makers” for the

I recommend this and applaud it but have the new job lined up before you leave because unemployment is a bad place to be.

Behind, in front of, to the side.........all sorts of in between

I don’t remember his name but he was some small town footbal hero - I cannot remember the state but I think its the midwest