
I can’t speak to the legitimacy of the Bennett photo, but I do know this picture is real and it pisses me off. Really, though, we all kind of secretly knew.

Cut him some slack fellas, his lips get tired when he reads.

Right, but where did she tee off from?

From the Reading Comprehension Tees

Ball On Wall: “Wall’s got no balls”

Ha, there will NEVER be another Boaz Solassa!

Blake continues to this day to paint Plaintiff as an out of control and corrupt officer who has no business being a member of the NYPD. Due to his celebrity, these statements have had a far greater reach than the complaints of an average New Yorker.

Because not everyone is such a twat.


Oh shit, he pulled the first recorded “double Tebow”. Well, you know Ray, if you’re gonna do something serious, make sure to do it double

And being a Kevin James vehicle, they would have given the episode a classy title like “The Tell-Tale Fart” or something similar.

Mickey Morandini

“I don’t see why not.”

God, this is painful to watch. (Your writing, not the video.)

Kick It Out called it “offensive and discriminatory” and said “racist stereotypes are never acceptable, irrespective of any intention to show support for a player,” per the BBC.

Breitbart headline that garners 100K views and 0 comments relating to a professional baseball game.

If only there were some way for these folks to verify whose Uber it was.

*Uber driver pulls up, rolls down window*“I’m looking for BIG MIKE whose destination is [trashy part of the city]”

Yeah, because context doesn’t matter! ::eyeroll::

To be honest, the cops probably can explain why they handcuffed/detained Bennett.