
As a quick follow up to that, also please please please fortheloveofgod please don’t forget about your local elections as well. While who we vote in as President is very, very important, your life is affected infinitely more by those governing you on a local and state level. If you want direct, immediate change,

I’ve had people here in Chicago tell me they think it’s a shame what happened to Hoyer and that they’d rather have him over Cutler. I told them to pass me whatever they’re smoking because there’s no goddamned way Hoyer is better. Is Cutler great? Maybe not but the guy’s good whereas Hoyer was merely serviceable.

It also requires that the women you work with are able to see the disparity, and want to change it.

Guys, child slavery is really bad and I could’ve done more to fight against it, but I decided to focus on staying quiet because football.

The game hasn’t fizzled out. You burned through it as hard as you could and now you’re tired of it/have run out of things to do.

That really sucks man. I'd tell you to follow your dreams, but you should probably just ask where they're going and hook up with them later.

“reached 19.8 MPH on his way to the wall.”

The No. 2 won the Money In The Bank ladder match. Therefore guaranteeing himself a shot against No. 1 whenever he wants. Pretty common knowledge, if you ask me.

And now he’s going to be disqualified for having the runs.

The random businessman who walks into the match with no socks on looks like the politest idiot on the field ever.

lol Shia Labeouf cosplay XD
Cosplayer - “Should I cosplay as Shai Labeouf this year?”
Shai Labeouf - “Just do it! Don’t let your dreams be dreams!”

Seriously though, it’s kinda weird that summer is the preferred time for cosplay considering that many costumes are big, bulky, or require a lot of makeup.

Tre Mason: Man, fuck you guys. Not only am I not holding out, I was actually the first person to show up in St. Louis for training camp this year.

Please please please please please tell me that at the end of the season you’re going to compile all the twitter responses to these posts from Cardinals fans and make one big article with them. That would be glorious.

Heck, if you had the time and budget you could even break it down by games so that we could see the

Somewhere there’s some little mediocre, cherub-faced ginger child being told by their parents they didn’t make the cut because of three affirmative action cases.

It’s going to be cool to be a Jag-u-ah fan in 2019, when the team moves to London.

What are the odds he takes a shortcut and becomes a policeman?

I just want to say that I think you’re really cool for pointing out how other people are losers for getting into their hobbies.

His first five major league batters faced went Single, Single, Walk, Grand Slam, Double.

Sweet jesus, how great is that GIF?