
So on a scale of “Captain Planet” to “Ralph Bakshi Goes Shopping” what will be level of animated de rigueur Witcher sex scenes be?

i guess spoiler alert, but also apparently not:

the death of his character was honestly affecting to me. i’m happy he’s going to be back but i also sort of feel like its a little let down because of how he ended the first season, so i’m torn between ‘cool, more of probably the best character on the show’ and ‘kind of

Give me more Edgar Allen Poe and I’m satisfied. I’m shocked that character wasn’t from the books, he’s that good.

He isn’t and didn’t say anything of note that wasn’t said when this was brought up over a decade ago when he did this role. Its a slow news day and AVClub wants some clickrage to mine.

The “Get to be black for a summer in mind mind” part is a bit off, but the rest of it is pretty clearly him saying:

Yeah, considering the fact that he was a white guy doing blackface was directly addressed in the movie, I feel that it was more a satirical take on Hollywood just like their use of the word ‘retard’. I find it a lot less egregious than Jimmy Kimmel’s constant use of blackface on The Man Show and his use of the ‘n

I’ve read this twice now and still have no clue what RDJ is trying to say. For me, it was entirely appropriate to have a white actor play, not a black character, but a white actor trying to play a black character, and ridiculing that concept.

Argue what you want about his donning blackface for the movie. His speech to Tug (Ben Stiller) about the Oscars may be the most succinctly accurate analysis of what wins awards ever put to film. For that -- oh, OK, and Tom Cruise dancing -- I will always celebrate “Tropic Thunder.”

It’s really not that expensive to eat healthy but that’s a great excuse a lot of people use. Whole chickens are pretty damn cheap as are bags of frozen broccoli. Beans and rice are incredibly cheap and can compliment protein and vegetables quite well and be very filling. You don’t have to eat fresh vegetables, frozen

Alanis saved my life more than anyone will ever know, providing much needed backup for Jalopnik’s racing coverage when I really, really needed it. Trying to keep an eye on all the racing series all the time was exhausting as the only person here who was paying close attention to it, and being able to trade off weekend

Little known fact: the Titantic wasn’t sunk by an iceberg, but by an herb!

That shouldn’t be used as a reason to not strive to live a healthier life or be more active. Yes, people should not be shamed if they are overweight but we should also encourage healthy behavior at the same time. Life is much more enjoyable now, and especially as you age, if you maintain a decent level of fitness.

I have moved left as I’ve aged, largely because I realized that I had a choice.

People kept claiming I’d get more conservative as I got older, but they didn’t count on conservatives getting catastrophically stupid.

I said this on Tuesday for the FF7REMAKE, and I’ll say it again... Another day, another delay reported by Jason Schreier, the oracle of delayed games.

Eh, people have misunderstood him on this. What he said referred to the fact that the books, being published in English and some other languages with game covers, ended up being perceived as game tie-ins and while this got him some new readers, it also lost him readers who were put off by the perception that his books

Excellent question. If only someone might patiently explain it to you in roughly 2,100 words or so.

If only...

The photography and writing are really excellent. Nice job.

Reading this brought a tear to my eye.