
EK Civic Hatchback, with a manual. Anything from the CX base model to the SI really, but I think the simpler the better. CX, rollup windows, no AC, that kinda thing.  Perfection.

This.  And WAS the 1990 Winston Cup champion.  His supposedly “illegal” carb spacer actually made LESS power than the approved one, but they had to give ol’ Dale another Cup.

Yeah naw.


Front squat is a move I love to hate. It’s my primary squat movement due to some lingering lower back issues. I’ll take a relatively low weight for high reps on the front squat for true quad punishment any day.

First off, unless you are training for a specific sport (ie. powerlifting), nothing is cheating. So feel free to use straps, unless you specifically want to CHALLENGE yourself to improve your grip.

Sure, it is.

Yeah, they just all-around suck. I’d go to a better gym.

I really hope Cara is coming back though (and Greef, even), they were really starting to have some chemistry and she’s just a badass.  It’d be a shame to keep this ENTIRELY the “lone cowboy and kid wandering the desert” thing.

Truth. Reality is, if you’re not planning on competition, what you do with your hands is irrelevant. Whatever you need to maintain a good rack position without pain, do it.

In my case it’s chin-ups, but the same ideas apply. I went from not being able to do any, to getting three sets of ten pretty consistently now.

I use the strap method as well. Can’t live without it now.  Front squats are my primary squat.

Uncle Dana sure seems to love him. He often likes to bring in guys “who bang” (which Hardy does, if nothing else), and also likes crossover “stars”f. For some reason, he seems to enjoy making a POINT of “giving a guy a job because he deserves a shot and no I don’t care what he did in the past” ... (Even though he

Kodiak Cakes rule.

6-7oz skirt steak, big pile of broccoli, and a small bowl of oatmeal for desert.

One of these, in 18 foot configuration. Air-assisted parking brake, the whole work. I had little difficulty but I cannot believe a normally licensed driver is allowed to do that.

A broken nose and a ref immediately ending a fight with a KO is not brutal. Neither is bleeding, in general. Eight thousand mini-concussions from gigantic cushioned boxing gloves that do nothing but protect hands, for 12+ rounds, and being expected to get up after a KO and keep fighting, is brutal.


I could take or leave his *EXTREEEEEEEEEEME* work in AEW, but Mox is absolute fire in New Japan.  A real shot in the arm in terms of attitude, especially with The Elite gone.  I rarely watch WWE but what I had seen of Dean Ambrose was boring af.  Moxley, on the other hand, is must-watch.

er, he’s quoting his record because he’s talking about it in the context of the G1 Climax tournament.  You know, where wins/losses affect your points total, which affects winning the tournament.