
It is a very dumb take.  Let people enjoy the things they enjoy.

If we’re talking in the THEATRE specifically, the closet jump scare in The Ring is it for me.

Steve Magnante’s Bad Seed Chevette would like a word:

*shrug* My gym allows it, and it’s a general fitness gym full of middle-age ladies doing spin classes.

And don’t forget kids, if your gym doesn’t allow chalk, it’s time to find a new gym.

This is correct.

I haven’t met a fellow wrestling fan over the age of 10 that thinks it’s not “fake.” Though fake is really not the correct term, since they’re physically doing everything you see.  Staged or choreographed is a better wording.

Do you watch movies? Enjoy a little kung fu maybe, or perhaps sci-fi, shooting up aliens? Maybe even some cartoons? And while you’re watching these, does your brain grasp the concept that what you’re seeing on the screen is staged, acted out, full of special effects and stunts, and beautiful men and women? Lots of

fwiw I think the one example you came up with is a bad one, as female tennis players beat males all the time.

How is this shit not in the greys yet?

I’ve been following him for a while now, he’s one of the best workers on the planet, and his promo work is fantastic. I also happen to identify with his politics.

I was a big fat fuck for most of my life, using a shitty unkempt beard to hide my four fucking chins.

I remember falling down the rabbit hole of The Branton Files back in the 90s.  Night after night of sweaty reading on newsgroups or shitty geocities pages, rambling stories of alien invasions and government conspiracies.  I kinda look back at it fondly, but I don’t know why I do.


I would like to see the statistics on how many of the women studied were overweight or obese. While there’s fit people who drink diet soda, I’d be dollars to donuts a majority of those who drink it are very overweight. I’m sure of that 80,000, some were fit people, but was there a control?  Were any other lifestyle

Northern Ontario here. I always just use a bag of traction sand.  Only downside is you have to keep the bag indoors, it clumps solid when it’s frozen.

You got it on the first try.  The best-looking Enterprise, the best looking starship ever.

Eh, John Player’s may be Kool, but they’ll never REALLY be a Player.

Johnson.  Times a billion.

Your choice of header image is perfect.