
At NAIAS in, I believe, 2006, me and a couple rather large buddies (300+ lbs each, me about 240) tried this same test with a Mazda RX-8 and a Mini. We couldn't stand the RX-8, with even two of us in it, legs rammed into the shifter, e-brake handle, door, you name it. In the Mini? Fit comfortably.

Excellent stuff, that's one thing I miss the most about older American cars, the metal (albeit white metal) badges and scripting that really stood out.

Christ, so hard to pick just 10...

As the owner of an LT1-powered '94 Buick wagon (with Vista roof and all!), it's stuff like this that makes me feel a bit more optimistic about GM's direction in the future. If the G8 is going to lead to an Impala or Caprice soon, who's to say we can't also get this over here? It looks great and would be an EXCELLENT