Pedantic Accountant Video Game fan here. Goodwill actually has a monetary value in business transactions, so he can literally be doing it because of goodwill generated.
Pedantic Accountant Video Game fan here. Goodwill actually has a monetary value in business transactions, so he can literally be doing it because of goodwill generated.
I happen to really like this game a lot. I feel that the game has a pretty decent combat loop as well as a lot of neat community management stuff under the hood. It can be a little easy in some ways and hopefully they have some kind of hardcore or higher difficulty mode in the works to make it more challenging. All in…
I’m sorry friend. You’re suffering from Terminal Furry syndrome.
“Tucker takes on Creepy Porn Lawyer” is a dickish Khyron to have for a guest.
I mean I’m not even a new yorker but I love bagels and no one understands this order. No one!
My money is on Kellyanne Conway she has a record of talking to the media behind closed doors about how shitty this all is.
From the op-ed
I agree. This is like an October Suprise on November 9th
It takes guts to run for public office, especially if you’re running again incumbent. I applaud her for making the attempt. It would be interesting to see a game developer become a congressperson even though its a long shot.
I support this. Would be cool to see one of the MEKA gang go rogue.
First of all. I make fun of shippers with this.
Truly, one of the most interesting gaming communities ever. I’ll never play this game, but I will always listen to the stories.
If John McCain could he would come back to tell D.T. that he’s not invited.( Yes I know he told his family he didn’t want him there)
Very inspired choice. I’m actually loving Jesse Plemons more every day, but if Matt Damon has interest in it, there’s no way Plemons would ever get it.
“ Everyone is talking about John Mc Cain as if he’s a great man. He was nice to Obama and I didn’t vote for him. He voted for the Iraq war which I said would be a disaster, and he said a lot of nasty things about me. I don’t want to say I’m glad he’s dead but... I don’t miss him”
This is a good shop in general. If wasn’t for the lighting differences. I would almost be unable to tell.
Love the She-Ra art. Neat illustrator
Why you gonna do us like this Lanny?
You know I had this thought. It was only a matter of time before someone did this at a video game tournament or a nerd convention and damn it someone pulled it off.