
As much as I want to poo poo this, I’m absolutely excited to see the microprose name on a game that looks like Falcon 3.0. Its like instant action from those old games(as another poster mentioned). I just wish there was a way to get something that had the campaign and management structure these old games had.

You have made it possible for me to dream again my friend. I think microsoft has the rights, so hopefully obsidian can say “ Hold my beer” when it comes to making a shadowrun game.

I noticed my head shadow is always bald while playing as Feminine V. I’m like.. ugh... where’s her glorious rockergirl hair.

The twitter and the facebook comments for this very article, are already in that direction.  And ethan you may want to add that the eplilepsy warning is buried in the EULA that basically no one reads. People are pointing that out, but  I think epliepsy warnings shouldn’t be buried in EULA’s. 

I’m with you Joe. Board visability is one thing, but actually being more than a token hire, and having some real heft at a company is important. Likely what will happen is a lot of black celebrities will get calls when a company isn’t really trying hard enough. 

I moved around a few things on my controls. My Boost is on my left trigger. and my throttles are my left and right bumper. My stick buttons are my auxillaries, so if I click left by accident I’m usually healing myself.

Its true. I feel like for instance in the empire story. All of the pilots kind of have their own motivations for serving in the empire, and none of it is really overtly evil.  They are serving a war effort. Your squad leader and your captain genuinely seem to give a damn about you and the other pilots and can mostly

WAIT WHAT?  He’s a man with no name? Or is it like.. when we tell you his name “ this” will all make sense.  Oh jeesus... chris... you... dummy.

I’m waiting for her to be accused of being part of the elite pedophile ring. Cause that seems to be what happens to anyone who disagrees with RWNJ (Right Wing Nutjob)views.

Curious about Last of US II. A certain segment of the gaming community is really down on this game. I think it has something to do with the story leak, but is someone willing to share a link that describes the controversy without completely spoiling the story.

Great, now when I see the twitter or facebook version of this story I get to read troll takes on the headline. Thanks.

That being said. I totally get what you’re saying. Social Ambience is my reserve fuel, and I’m running on empty personally.

Rio had me at that halo art. This artist has a very pleasing, clean art style.

Government overpayments are the absolute worst. I realize that most public funds related statutes require the relevant agencies to collect repayments but I also feel that there needs to be a better way forward, maybe some kind of de minimis repayment, so it can be gradually repaid at a low rate interest free

Excellent! I would love to see what else they can do with this setting for sure.

You know some of the best chicken wings I’ve had in my life have been from chinese places.  Its just amazing how crispy they get.

I dropped food out of my mouth at that comment. Its true though.

Jude is a great artist. Absolutely love the cyberpunk esque designs here.

Yeah that great graying sucked. I had actually got un-grayed fairly early on in its life cycle and then when that hit I totally commented way less on articles. I still miss it though, I think about 1 in 5 articles I really enjoyed. I knew it was pretty obvious that they were way in the tank with Bernie, because when

Hell its about time.

Its a start.