I absolutely love Veep. It’s the most underappreciated show on HBO ,period. There should be more memes from it quite honestly.
I absolutely love Veep. It’s the most underappreciated show on HBO ,period. There should be more memes from it quite honestly.
HE GOT MAD that people said it wasn’t enough to do this now? Like seriously. What a fucking loser this guy. He just doesn’t know how to not defend himself against every little slight.
I proudly stand corrected. It’s a weird kind of weekend, sis.
You mean Orrin Hatch.. not david duke... sis
White Person: What is happening to our country?
Kung Fury
I guess that google post is more a reflection of a greater problem regarding stereotyping.
I bet when Funimation set the release date for this movie, they had no idea that we would be on the brink of another nuclear catastrophe. How could anyone want to watch a film about current reality.
Like every white dude under the age of 35 in the service industry calls me boss all the time. He’ll call every other male around my age or older sir. But when he gets to me its boss.
I guess to the president it was only just a Sunday. My theory is that fox probably didn’t go on screaming rampages about it so he didn’t think it was important enough. Surely his chief of staff and ex homeland security director must have informed him.
I’ve gone on bike rides through GTA V a few times. There is no shame in touring the place. You always find something new.
I’m anti-trump but very pro mayo. Your point about my opinion being trash still stands, however.
This is basically how the electoral college works. #Nohyperbolejustfacts
You would be a dick of a reporter, but man you would be a shoe in for “Most Valid question ever” I would buy you a beer if I ever ran into you.
I’ll give an anecdote from my self. I live in one state, my family lives in another. I was the low man on the totem poll during the holidays once so I couldn’t ask for flight time to see my family during Thanksgiving. I would have killed to work that day because the worst thing is being at home by yourself. Its more…
These days it seems like the courts and two-three republican senators are what is keeping us from totally falling into despair.
Please don’t put him in charge of homeland security. Please don’t put him in charge of homeland security. Please don’t put him in charge of homeland security.
Holy crap I’m out of the grays!!!!
If in the future Scaramucci gets canned, it will be him. It will be the donald’s worst nightmare
I guess I was wrong. Preibus is going to have to leave too. It will be great when trump is totally unsupervised by the establishment. What could go wrong? Its not like the pentagon or the media is going to freak out when he takes nine minutes between tweets that has us thinking he’s going to go to war.