The pope who loves everyone who can’t stand 55 at all. He really did not want to be there.
The pope who loves everyone who can’t stand 55 at all. He really did not want to be there.
Great, Fahey. Not only do I have to admit that a song made me buy a game but now I have that song stuck in my head.
I agree. Wake me when they announce a Hifumi figure.
Yeah, he’s gone Emily. There’s no way Sean survives the next two weeks. Not after this.
That was kind of the issue in persona 3 for psp
I wonder what’s going on in the alternate world where hillary clinton won. I’m sure fox news is talking about Hillary clinton emails or Merrick Garland judicial activism or Jim Comey’s mundane LA recruiting speech
I know what I said about hifumi earlier in this thread, but dammit I would lose it all for Takemi. She’s the coolest character in this whole game. I dunno what it is about anime, and cool female doctor characters but there are too many these days.
I’m completely in love with Hifumi-Chan. I honestly think that what her personality brings would have been great to add to the main story. Basically the last girl companion you get doesn’t seem nearly as interesting. Plus Hifumi reminds me way too much of Yukiko so I’m a bit biased.
HAAAAA! I’m dead. This is great.
Seriously. Lets just put Mike Pence or Paul Ryan in charge. Their policies suck but at least there will be some damn stability
Like the underwoods would have said. “ We can work with fear”. They need to have a fear that they will lose the whole party or power. That’s the only way they’ll dump him, or they’ll let an investigation happen.
You know, this guy is nuts. Absolutely nuts. Litterally he needs to just stop watching TV. He’s a newsmaker now, everything he does will make the news. If he really can’t handle it he just needs to stop watching.
One thing they dont’ talk about with Ghost Recon: Wildlands is that it has kids.. in a warzone. It really kind of makes you think...when they exist, just playing and stuff.
I was going to say the same thing. By the time it really does come out, we’re going to be like.. “ Oh.. that happened... so like real life..”
Yeah seriously. That damn cat runs your life. I’m like let me study... and then the cat is like “ You’re too tired for that. you should go to sleep..” “ I’m like f*** you stupid cat.. I do what I want!”
The first two palaces in Persona 5 feel like a slog. It gets better once you’re off to the next two. I found that this one just takes awhile to get started.
IN this case we don’t want to see a “ Kim is the biggest loser in asia, no one likes him. Sad! “ twitter post.
Lets all be friends everyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re a mass murderer, a white supremacist, a human rights abuser, or a strongman with a nuclear arsenal. This president wants to meet you and thinks he can get along with you....